Hey everybody, I enjoy this game quite a bit as i play it with my wife and step-child. We are looking at investing a bit of money into it each (we already have year subs) in the form of getting 40-50$ each worth of fun stuff.
My wife and kid are more than happy with getting the 39$ gift card packs that come with the castle, mount, gear, pet...etc~
My choice however is not as easy.
-I don't really want the gryphon mount (I much prefer the black wings)
-I have little to no interest in owning a house or playing with a house in this game (If i were going to, i would resubscribe to everquest2)... so i don't really want the castle at all
but here comes the opposite side of the coin, I am a death wizard (necromancer), which will be relevant information for this next bit :-P
-39$ gamestop card awards the fierce hound...which seems like an extremely excellent option for a death pet, Or if i were to invest crowns, i could buy the ianthine spectre (I don't really like how the spectre is so...purple...is he dye-able at all??) (Which pet performs better...looking at what they can do, it seems like the death hound has the better skill set? but ianthine gives an animate card)
-The gear from the card, how good is it? (I'm not entirely sure)
TL:-DR; version: Tough time choosing between 39$ gamestop card or 50$ crowns
Up and coming necromancer
Card: Gryphon Mount, Castle (Which i dont want), Fierce Hound, Gear +5000 crowns
50$ crown: Black wings (Want) Ianthine spectre (how does it compare to fierce hound?) and 13,000 crowns to spare
What would the opinions or which option would you all go with?
If each of you is going to get your own set, I'd say get them the cards and get yourself the crowns. If you aren't interested in the Fantasy castle, It isn't worth $40 just for the pet IMO. :P
Get your crowns and buy what you really want. And if you change your mind about a castle, there are plenty of houses in the crowns shop that are really fun to have that cost 10000 crowns, which you'll have left over from your other purchases. :D
In my opinion, if you don't want the castle, or the griphon mount, then definitely go for the crowns!
I love my death character, however, my choices are as follows!
Yes, I got the black wings, love them for death!
For a pet, I went with a Hotzilla, which is a pet that gives a dragonblade card! Now, yes, this is a fire pet, however, after it was trained to an adult, it was hatched with a sea dragon, then trained to adult, hatched with a sea dragon again, and trained to adult, then hatched with a fierce hound!
So, the talents it has now, are death shot, for accuracy, feint, from fierce hound, spritely, and spell proof!
Now, this is one excellent death pet!
So, with your wings and if you decide to get a pet that way, you still have lots of crowns left over, you can get the lifeforce blade, or a mastery amulet! Lot of options!
As far as a pet, i was planning on getting an Ianthine spectre from the shop (although it's abilities seem to fail in comparison to the fierce hound, having an animate card would be nice and it does seem overall like a decent pet, just not *as good* as a fierce hound?) < but i'm a noob, so i could be completely wrong about that....that's just what i've gathered from my researching :P
-39$ gamestop card awards the fierce hound...which seems like an extremely excellent option for a death pet, Or if i were to invest crowns, i could buy the ianthine spectre (I don't really like how the spectre is so...purple...is he dye-able at all??)
just find someone that has a first gen fierce hound and hatch with them.
As a necromancer, you will get that Animate spell regardless of the spectre pet (at level 28). I personally believe you have a higher chance of getting better talents from the hound, than the spectre (or get a completely different pet). Finally, if you all have family accounts you can transfer the crowns among yourselves. The Epic bundle comes with 5000 crowns each. You can give them all the items and transfer the crowns to yourself!