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Treasure Card Question - Calm, Soothe, Pacify, etc

Mar 28, 2009
Hello - new to the game but made it to level 35 and currently stuck in Marleybone (boo-hoo Katzenstein's Lab!). Adult Player turned onto it by daughter. Life Wizard, plus balance....but anyway, to my question:

I have received several treasure cards and one spell that I haven't figured out the best way to use. As a Life Wizard, I received the spell, Calm, and I currently am carrying Soothe and Pacify Treasure Cards. They don't seem to do anything at all to the enemy I use them on. I thought maybe it would cause the enemy to pass for one round, but that does not seem to be the case. The are X level spells, so use all pips, and maybe I'm using them too early?

Anyone who knows what these spells are supposed to do and the best way to use them, please share? Thanks!

Victoria Willowdreamer

Sep 03, 2008
These sorts of cards are only useful if you are fighting beside other wizards. It relates to the concept of Aggro (short for aggravation, usually), or how much enemies hate you. Calm, Soothe and Pacify reduce how much Aggro a monster has towards you, making it more likely for them to attack someone else, while cards like Taunt increase a monster's Aggro, making them more likely to attack you.

Obviously, if you are the only target for a monster to attack, this won't help at all. But if you are fighting in a group, this can be very useful, as everyone can focus defensive and healing spells on one person, if they know ahead of time who the monster will attack.

Mar 28, 2009
Since I have been battling solo most of the time, that's why I didn't notice any effect. Do the different card names indicate a percentage of this Aggro factor? Is that listed anywhere?

Feb 12, 2009
HalloweenChickRose wrote:
Since I have been battling solo most of the time, that's why I didn't notice any effect. Do the different card names indicate a percentage of this Aggro factor? Is that listed anywhere?

I don't think so. I guess the reason that they made different types is so that multiple schools could learn it for free. One weird thing I noticed though: All the reduce aggro cards are for the spirits, life, death and myth. I wonder if there is a particular reason for that... :?