I am so mad right now. I am playing the game and I have noticed a few unpleasant changes. I have three grandmasters and i have been through the entire game before. I just have one Question:
I notice that it started in WC as a newbie player in the haunted cave the field guards are using storm elf on me when i have next to no life and for them it is an easy win. Then I go to Krockotopia and they are using it there too! Like CRAZY. Why is this happening? Marleybone has the same problem. How can Myth rats be using fire elf when they should be using Myth spells. Dont even get me started on Mooshu because now we have life enemies using fire elf too. I just died fighting the Ototomo Curriers when i use to be able to fight them by myself and what killed me...FIRE ELF OR THE OTHER ONE WHERE THEY HEAL AND KILL ME AT THE SAME TIME. NOT TO MENTION THE FIRE KRAKEN THAT HAD A HAND IN KILLING ME. Are you trying to make me cancel my subscription or what? This is not fair.
If we as players cant have storm elf, or ice elf, or fire kraken, or all the other crazy mutations then why should the enemies. I am just saying.....
I am so mad right now. I am playing the game and I have noticed a few unpleasant changes. I have three grandmasters and i have been through the entire game before. I just have one Question:
I notice that it started in WC as a newbie player in the haunted cave the field guards are using storm elf on me when i have next to no life and for them it is an easy win. Then I go to Krockotopia and they are using it there too! Like CRAZY. Why is this happening? Marleybone has the same problem. How can Myth rats be using fire elf when they should be using Myth spells. Dont even get me started on Mooshu because now we have life enemies using fire elf too. I just died fighting the Ototomo Curriers when i use to be able to fight them by myself and what killed me...FIRE ELF OR THE OTHER ONE WHERE THEY HEAL AND KILL ME AT THE SAME TIME. NOT TO MENTION THE FIRE KRAKEN THAT HAD A HAND IN KILLING ME. Are you trying to make me cancel my subscription or what? This is not fair.
If we as players cant have storm elf, or ice elf, or fire kraken, or all the other crazy mutations then why should the enemies. I am just saying.....
Reading the title of your thread, then looking at your post, if this is a reason causing you to consider not playing anymore, my question to you is why are you still playing? This seems pretty minor compared to some other issues, I'm just saying...
I can understand this Rant. It sure does seem like it got a lot worst then what it use to be. I call Krokotopia Elfotopia now. I always had 2 or more Elves on me at once, even if I am only fighting 2 creatures. This is very annoying at most, and when you get to the higher level zones, it gets even more annoying, not only does every single creature, use an elf of some sort.
Regardless of what school is displayed on the creatures you are dueling, but now, you have some Elf beating on you, and in the upper upper levels, Elf is replaced with a few Heckhounds, while you are getting hit with just about every single high damage School spell mutate out there, like snow shark, Fire, and Ice Kracken, etc. On top of that you, also have a few Weakness Charms flying around your head aswell.
Look........ I am all for a challenge but it has gotten ridiculous so far. If you are fighting Ice, the creature/boss/creatures should use only ice spells. I had ice use Fire elf, and Kracken on me a few times. If you fight Myth, all Myth spells Storm all Storm Etc. Etc. Etc.
Figure out how to play against it. Fire Elf or similar isn't that hard to defend against. You're facing one Field Guard, and you should be able to defeat it long before Fire Elf does its 300 total damage. If not, then you can use Pixie to stay alive until you have your attack buffed up enough to take it out.
Figure out how to play against it. Fire Elf or similar isn't that hard to defend against. You're facing one Field Guard, and you should be able to defeat it long before Fire Elf does its 300 total damage. If not, then you can use Pixie to stay alive until you have your attack buffed up enough to take it out.
By the way pixie starts to become useless when you are in the upper levels. She just doesn't heal enough per round when you are facing creatures that use High damage cards constantly on you.
Sure this works on the lower hit point creatures, but when Elf gets replaced with Heck Hound later on, on the higher hit point creatures, and sometimes you have two Heck Hounds on you at one time, and your HP drops over 200, sometimes over 300 per round, your PiP count gets lower, and lower per round. Do to heal cards.
So what it turns out to be, is, in upper levels you carry high damage cards do to the high HP value of 1 creature has in the upper levels. But usualy you are up against two or more High HP value creatures. By the time you are able to cast the High damage cards, do to their High PiP cost, you have to use your PiPs to heal or you die because of 2 Heck Hounds pounding on you each round.
So say bye bye to your high damage card. Now you have to hope you survive another round of 2 Heck hounds ponding on you again.
Rince and repeat until the cycle is over, and hope the creatures do not cast Heck hound again on you.
So figuring out on how to defend against 2 heck hounds ponding on you for 3 rounds is almost cross your fingers and pray you will survive it.
Sure you can throw up fire shields [that is if you are carrying any, or have them in your deck ready to use on your round of attack]to help block some of the damage that you are taking? But by using your turn to throw up 1 shield at a time, when two are on you. This prevents you from either using a heal card of any sort, or a damage card to atleast kill one of the creatures off on your round, before you get hit with another barrage of Heck Hounds.
So yeah the damage per 3 rounds cards need to be limited, and not over used like KI has them know. Not saying drop them totaly, just limit them less to be casted on you.
I have also been defeated because a Fire Elf did that last hit. It can be annoying. But I do have good news, you can get treasure cards that turn Fire Elf into Ice Elf or Storm Elf. You can also get ones that turn Frost Beetle into Blaze Beetle, or Rain Beetle. The only question I have is where do Rotting Fodders get so many of those Treasure cards, I mean I don't think they have access to the bazarr
Jasmine StormBlood Lv. 16 JourneyMan Sorcerer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance is not the best nor the worst. Because all schools are equally powerful
I almost forgot. Has anyone noticed the: Fire Snakes, Ice Snakes, Fire bats, Ice bats, Rain Beetles, and Ice Sharks?
Jasmine StormBlood Lv. 16 JourneyMan Sorcerer --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance is not the best nor the worst because all schools are equally powerful.
Why can other school monsters use fire elf or heckhound? It's simple really. Just like you, they have secondary schools. Each enemy has a certain selection of attacks to choose from. It's not unlimited. Also, fire elf is pretty easy to get around if the enemy isn't fire or balance. Simply put up the shield that protects against that enemy's school. So, if you face a myth boss, put up myth shields (an occasional storm shield doesn't hurt either, as some of them like to use storm shark). If they cast fire elf, you'll take 70 damage each round for 3 rounds, but that's minor damage...and your myth shield will still be intact. If the enemy can cast heckhound and you have a fire shield, don't cast it unless you see their pips building up. Low pip heckhounds aren't much of a threat either. The only time this breaks down is when you're using tower shields, as anything will activate them.