Anyone notice that the screen is around ten times brighter than it used to be? I had my graphic settings set up to be perfect but I can't really play when I am being blinded by the sheer brightness of the clothes my character is wearing. I can only imagine being in combat. There are no settings for saturation in the game at all, only brightness so I personally feel a little jipped. Besides that the clothes I am wearing were red before this. I know I am a girl character but all the pink just gets a little annoying for me. I am wearing clothing from the dragon hoard pack and I cannot change the colors of it in the paint shop. So it feels a little unfair to me. Maybe they really were pink before this but I swear they were red specially having sat next to someone in bright pink robes. Anyone else feeling a little unsatisfied with the latest update?
I have noticed a lot of other things as well. A dungeon I was going into would only allow two of us into it. I had two friends on the same quest and no matter how hard we tried to enter and get in at the same time. It always split one of us off. Today I defeated a boss and was surprised because it said I got a pet and some clothing from it. Well low and behold I had no pet or egg in my inventory. I felt disappointed as I looked through it to be sure. Hard to say why the game would do this.