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~The New Updates~

May 23, 2010
We keep getting updates that are making me go um...

First the Wild Bolt changed... Yeah now I dont use it anymore completly out of my deck. Its a waste of traps and pips now.

No trade treasure cards- Wow I can see not being able to trade the cards that you have made I get that. But not being able to trade the new Celestia cards that you win...hmm..I can see the no auction maybe but come on.
If your gonna do that then at least let us trade between wizards we have made. ( like you did for the snacks)

So now that we can auction our level 58 gear..Does that mean you all are planning to make level 60 gear like you did for all the Grands?

Don't get me wrong not all the updates have problems. The update to the balance heal is great. The gardening is something new and pretty cool.
:) laters