I don't even know if this will make the topics list, but I have to try:
Is there anyone who is actually in favor of the new Wild Bolt?
If you comment saying you're in favor of the new Wild Bolt, please state your reasoning. Also, let me be clear: I DO NOT WANT TO SEE "I like the new Wild Bolt because I have an easier time in PvP" ANYWHERE IN THIS THREAD. However, if there's more than one reason you like the new Wild Bolt including a reason having to do with PvP, please say so. Although posts on why you're not in favor of the new Wild Bolt are welcomed, this is not the main focus of this thread.
62% voted and said they did not like the new wild bolt, when KI did thier polls. 28% said they liked the change and 10% did not care.
I for one, do "NOT" like the new wild bolt. Here is why.
You use 2 pips, for a chance at 10, 100, or 1000 damage. For Human players and KI's Percentages, that is like 5% chance of hitting 1000.
The Mobs however, with the KI percentages, hit 1000 for 90% of the time, go figure.
So, yes, while bolt is a nice storm shield breaker, who wants to use 2 pips, or traps and blades, for 10 points of damage.
On the other hand, and this is what is so unfair to everyone, because bolt is given to players at a much lower level. When you get to become level 58, you can enchant cards with gargantuan which increases damage by 250.
So, bolt would then be, 260 (Bats), 350, or 1250. Not too bad? for 2 pips, plus the accuracy, plus blades, traps, and possible critical. But, you have to earn your right to be there and spend all your training points too. Yet, as nice as this might sound, it is still not a "wild bolt" There is nothing wild about it.
The chance that it did go off at 10% was wild. This is just a wasted pips spell now and nobody will use it, until they get to be 58 and even then, it is questionable.
I understand that because of the End boss and her smokescreen, enhancements were made to equipment. But still, She is WAY TOO EASY!
There is no thrill, or worry about being defeated with her. She is just there. with her one minion. The Ravens are scarrier than she is.
Judgement is barels stronger then wild bolt and needs tons of pips to be that strong cprocks. My reason is because with new clothes and these sun spells wild bolt will have 90% accuracy including the star spell. Storm wizards will use star spells and then be able to drop 4000 damage on you in next incoming turns and a still be proffessional without the infallible. Also wild bolt can be a problem in PvE during group play. This spell used to quickly incapacitate enemies making all other wizards feel and be unneeded to the unstoppable storm wizard.
Judgement is barels stronger then wild bolt and needs tons of pips to be that strong cprocks. My reason is because with new clothes and these sun spells wild bolt will have 90% accuracy including the star spell. Storm wizards will use star spells and then be able to drop 4000 damage on you in next incoming turns and a still be proffessional without the infallible. Also wild bolt can be a problem in PvE during group play. This spell used to quickly incapacitate enemies making all other wizards feel and be unneeded to the unstoppable storm wizard.
...and? The way I see it if the enemy is defeated, the enemy is defeated. Doesn't matter if it was a group effort or someone's one-hit wonder. If your only opposing argument is that Wild Bolt made you feel unneeded (disregarding the possible PvP reference), that's really sad. It's understandable, but still...
Judgement is barels stronger then wild bolt and needs tons of pips to be that strong cprocks. My reason is because with new clothes and these sun spells wild bolt will have 90% accuracy including the star spell. Storm wizards will use star spells and then be able to drop 4000 damage on you in next incoming turns and a still be proffessional without the infallible. Also wild bolt can be a problem in PvE during group play. This spell used to quickly incapacitate enemies making all other wizards feel and be unneeded to the unstoppable storm wizard.
...and? The way I see it if the enemy is defeated, the enemy is defeated. Doesn't matter if it was a group effort or someone's one-hit wonder. If your only opposing argument is that Wild Bolt made you feel unneeded (disregarding the possible PvP reference), that's really sad. It's understandable, but still...
That wasn't his only point. His other is that judgement requires lots more pips to be barely stronger. He is also clear that the old bolt makes a legendary storm ridiculously more powerful than everyone else. Am I to understand from inference of your comment that your only argument for the old bolt was that it makes you feel powerful because it was wildly unbalanced with the rest of the game? I'm no fan of the new bolt either, but unless KI adds some kind of accuracy cap, the old one is clearly broken as well.
all those storm wizards out there need to stop whinning. you are the only ones complaining. i mean you didnt hear us fire wizards complain when they added FOUR stun block shields for a stun, and i didnt chain stun, but all you people who were being chained kept complaining about it. same this with wild bolt so you'll just have to deal with it, its not gonna change.
all those storm wizards out there need to stop whinning. you are the only ones complaining. i mean you didnt hear us fire wizards complain when they added FOUR stun block shields for a stun, and i didnt chain stun, but all you people who were being chained kept complaining about it. same this with wild bolt so you'll just have to deal with it, its not gonna change.
Actually I'm a Sorcerer; I'm just speaking out against it because it's completely unfair to change an attack. Also, I don't complain about the whole stun situation (I don't even know what that's about), but I'm sure if you look hard, you'll find someone who complained about it. By the way, how do you know "it's not gonna change"? I didn't think any spell would be changed in any way in the first place, but now I've seen everything. If they can change a spell, they can change it back.
62% voted and said they did not like the new wild bolt, when KI did thier polls. 28% said they liked the change and 10% did not care.
I for one, do "NOT" like the new wild bolt. Here is why.
You use 2 pips, for a chance at 10, 100, or 1000 damage. For Human players and KI's Percentages, that is like 5% chance of hitting 1000.
The Mobs however, with the KI percentages, hit 1000 for 90% of the time, go figure.
So, yes, while bolt is a nice storm shield breaker, who wants to use 2 pips, or traps and blades, for 10 points of damage.
On the other hand, and this is what is so unfair to everyone, because bolt is given to players at a much lower level. When you get to become level 58, you can enchant cards with gargantuan which increases damage by 250.
So, bolt would then be, 260 (Bats), 350, or 1250. Not too bad? for 2 pips, plus the accuracy, plus blades, traps, and possible critical. But, you have to earn your right to be there and spend all your training points too. Yet, as nice as this might sound, it is still not a "wild bolt" There is nothing wild about it.
The chance that it did go off at 10% was wild. This is just a wasted pips spell now and nobody will use it, until they get to be 58 and even then, it is questionable.
I understand that because of the End boss and her smokescreen, enhancements were made to equipment. But still, She is WAY TOO EASY!
There is no thrill, or worry about being defeated with her. She is just there. with her one minion. The Ravens are scarrier than she is.
most all of the 28% who said they were for the new wild bolt weren't even storm players... when the poll came out Wizard101 said the reason for the poll was that they cared about player input and wanted to listen to us, and when the poll results were not what Wizard101 staff expected and hoped for Wizard101 simply tossed out the poll and ignored the results and quieted down the forums on the matter the best they could while the players for the most part lost all faith in Wizard101 caring about our input at all.
That wasn't his only point. His other is that judgement requires lots more pips to be barely stronger. He is also clear that the old bolt makes a legendary storm ridiculously more powerful than everyone else. Am I to understand from inference of your comment that your only argument for the old bolt was that it makes you feel powerful because it was wildly unbalanced with the rest of the game? I'm no fan of the new bolt either, but unless KI adds some kind of accuracy cap, the old one is clearly broken as well.
Leviathan does 1030+ damage to one enemy and eliminates two positive charms if I remember correctly. Tempest can do far more damage than Leviathan to all enemies. That said, Wild Bolt isn't the only spell that makes Storm stronger than the other schools. It does 1000+ damage to one enemy. Also, it's stated clearly in many places that Storm is the strongest school. Nowhere does it say by how much; it just says 'strongest'. The schools were already out of balance and will always be out of balance, which is why there is a school that specializes in Balance.
Even though i am Balance i agree that i do not like the new Wild Bolt! It it totally unfair and unbalanced. Since Balance has Judgement which does 100 Balance Damage per pip Wild Bolt should be balanced too. Here is my idea for Wild Bolt
Wild Bolt 70% 4 pips Damage Type Storm School 500 or 1000 Storm Damage
I think this would be more fair because at the level you get Wild Bolt which is somewhere in MB i believe that even 500 Storm Damage would do. If any storm wizard agree or disagree to this please link your reply to mine and thank you.
Leviathan does 1630+ damage to one enemy and eliminates two charms if I remember correctly.
Base damage for Leviathan is 1030 and removes 2 positive charms.
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Tempest can do far more damage than Leviathan to all enemies.
I agree. Both of those spells require you to build pips for at least a couple rounds though.
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
That said, Wild Bolt isn't the only spell that makes Storm stronger than the other schools. It does 1000+ damage to one enemy.
What makes the old bolt broken is that with the correct gear accuracy enhancements combined with accuracy enchantments, you can have a better than 70% chance to deal 1000 damage for 2 pips. Even as a single hitter, that is wildly unbalanced even by storm standards.
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
Also, it's stated clearly in many places that Storm is the strongest school. Nowhere does it say by how much; it just says 'strongest'.
The only place it says this is in the book at the storm school. All the books at the various schools (perhaps just the elemental schools? I can't remember) say the same thing. The handbooks states the following:
The Storm School will train its student wizards to do a lot of damage. Storm Wizards have the ability to unleash high amounts of damage from an early level, which is good, but they place too much emphasis on power, and therefore suffer in terms of accuracy. They also have the least amount of base health points of any of the schools. When enemies cast damage buffs on themselves or damage reducers on a friendly player, storm wizards can remove those spells.
It doesn't state that storm is the "strongest", just the most damaging.
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
The schools were already out of balance and will always be out of balance, which is why there is a school that specializes in Balance.
While I agree that no one measurable attribute is in balance between any class (including balance), KI has done a largely good job of making the game "balanced" as a whole.
I'm not sure where exactly you were going with this post to me. I'm a computer guy and sometimes nuance is lost on me. I hope I addressed anything you were looking to have addressed and that you didn't find any of my posts to be flippant since that wasn't my intention. To be clear, I think both the new and old versions of wild bolt are broken. I'm not storm and I don't have any intention of ever being storm. I'm down for convincing KI to fix this new version of wild bolt, but I'm not down with going back to the original since its broken as well.
Personally, I think that aggregate accuracy (and resist) caps should be introduced for gear and pet combinations. For instance, combine all the gear and pets you want, but you won't get more than say 30% accuracy or 40% resist for any one class of magic. If that was combined with a version of wildbolt which had a 10% chance to deal 1000 damage but could not be combined with enchantment cards, I would say that was a fair and equitable solution. I would also support other kinds of spells working with it, such as the star spell infallible, or the balance spell precision. Those all take a round to cast and I don't see them as any different than casting blades.
I do want to be clear though, I don't support allowing any enchantment cards to modify it and this includes damage spells up to and including gargantuan. The reason for this is that at 500 damage per pip, its already wildly above any other spell per pip, even treasure card or gargantuan versions.
I may be rambling a bit now, so I'll stop talking. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
That wasn't his only point. His other is that judgement requires lots more pips to be barely stronger. He is also clear that the old bolt makes a legendary storm ridiculously more powerful than everyone else. Am I to understand from inference of your comment that your only argument for the old bolt was that it makes you feel powerful because it was wildly unbalanced with the rest of the game? I'm no fan of the new bolt either, but unless KI adds some kind of accuracy cap, the old one is clearly broken as well.
Leviathan does 1630+ damage to one enemy and eliminates two charms if I remember correctly. Tempest can do far more damage than Leviathan to all enemies. That said, Wild Bolt isn't the only spell that makes Storm stronger than the other schools. It does 1000+ damage to one enemy. Also, it's stated clearly in many places that Storm is the strongest school. Nowhere does it say by how much; it just says 'strongest'. The schools were already out of balance and will always be out of balance, which is why there is a school that specializes in Balance.
Leviathan does only 1030 to one enemy, add 225 for gargantuan and that makes 1255 for a level 8 spell. Tempest at most is 85 per pip so, 85 x 14 is 1190. So, your mathmatics are off. Yes, Storm does have other spells that are very strong, but the point is, KI changed a spell, that all storm wizards had worked hard at perfecting. Storm wizards made a strategy with it, to hit hard and fast and stay alive, especially if playing the game solo. Now, Bolt is useless. Most of the time, it is less than 1000k, and a major waste of pips. So, you can not easily form a strategy with this spell. It will always work and you will always lose your pips. But, 10% of the time, you will hit your 1000 damage!
Oh, and I know what you all say, it is 33%! I am a storm wizard, who has used this spell over and over and over again. I know from experience, it is not 33%. Now, you can say, oh I am just having bad luck. lol Then all the MOBS have extremely good luck, cause they usually hit for the 1k around 80% of the time.
What makes the old bolt broken is that with the correct gear accuracy enhancements combined with accuracy enchantments, you can have a better than 70% chance to deal 1000 damage for 2 pips. Even as a single hitter, that is wildly unbalanced even by storm standards.
As opposed to using a four pip sandstorm with 100% pip chance that deals around 1650 on a critical hit by balance school.
Sorry if I confused you; I was really tired when I responded to your post. Anyway, you make a good point. This is a huge problem KI's gotten themselves into:
- The Accuracy Problem: The old Wild Bolt had a miniscule 10% chance of dealing 1000, but with the recent accuracy boost, the Wild Bolt's accuracy can be brought up to 70%. The new Wild Bolt has 70% accuracy, but the attack's power has been drastically altered, and now has a "33.3%" chance of dealing 10, 100, or 1000.
- The Pip Problem: If the old Wild Bolt fizzled, the caster would keep the 2 pips. With the new Wild Bolt, if it only deals 100 or even 10, the caster loses their 2 pips for a ridiculously weak attack.
- The Strength Problem: A good chance of dealing 1000 with the old Wild Bolt vs. a better and what seems to be the more usual chance of dealing 10 or 100 with the new Wild Bolt.
- The PvP Problem: It seems the only reason why this is even a problem is because of the PvP diehards whining about Wild Bolt, even though the power pip chance boost is probably the bigger problem.
There's a lot to consider. To be honest, I'm not crazy about an accuracy/resistance cap, and it might not even be possible to make Wild Bolt immune to charms because I'm sure that idea was the first thing they thought of (it's the first thing I thought of when I heard about this problem!). It would've probably been a lot easier than revamping the entire spell. I can't think of any solutions to undo this half-baked excuse for a solution KI invented at the moment though. What I don't get is why they didn't put more thought into this instead of creating more elements to combat like "Critical Rating" and that other superflous stuff they added with Celestia.
What makes the old bolt broken is that with the correct gear accuracy enhancements combined with accuracy enchantments, you can have a better than 70% chance to deal 1000 damage for 2 pips. Even as a single hitter, that is wildly unbalanced even by storm standards.
As opposed to using a four pip sandstorm with 100% pip chance that deals around 1650 on a critical hit by balance school.
So, what are you saying? We're going to compare 4 pip spells which are assumed to have gargantuan, score criticals (which can be blocked you know), and factor a modicum of gear boosts to a 2 pip spell where we assume no boosts and its still in the same ballpark? I assume you're trying to use that example to imply that the old bolt wasn't broken right? If so, I don't think you're succeeding. Don't get me wrong, I may not have adequately spelled it out in my last post, but I think the new bolt is just as broken as the old one, just in different ways. I don't think these kinds of apples to oranges comparisons are ever going to sway KI to think they made a mistake.
If anything, these comparisons are serving to convince them that they made the right decision. Think about this for a second, if you take the new bolt and assume the same things you just did for sandstorm, then with a typical storm gear damage boost of 60% (and that's low for level 58 gear), then you're going to hit for 752, 1040, or 3920. Does that sound broken to you? If you want it to be changed, you should give up on the damage arguments and focus on tactical arguments. Frankly, you're never going to win on damage arguments because no matter how you slice it, in an apples to apples comparison, bolt is wildly over powered per pip vs. any other spell in the game. Tactically, however, the new bolt has been effectively neutered. You've got some traction on that argument and I think you should use it.
Uh I love it! instead of 10% It is 33 and 1/3 chance for 1000! Its awesome!
...and this is exactly what I didn't want. WHY do you think it's awesome that now Wild Bolt only has a 33.3% chance (or so it's deduced) of dealing 1000? Anyway, even though there's now a "better" chance of dealing 1000, there's now the 66.6% chance of dealing 100 or 10 for the same amount of pips. Every wizard, no matter what level, knows that pips need to be spent wisely; however spending 2 pips on a spell version of Russian Roulette (especially when you factor in all the level wizards that will be using this spell and how important pips will be to them) doesn't seem very wise, does it? That's only one of the problems with the new Wild Bolt.
Leviathan does only 1030 to one enemy, add 225 for gargantuan and that makes 1255 for a level 8 spell. Tempest at most is 85 per pip so, 85 x 14 is 1190. So, your mathmatics are off.
Minor note. If you use the base version of tempest at 80 per pip, you can add gargantuan to it as well. Then it would be 1120 + 225 for 1345 total.
Sorry if I confused you; I was really tired when I responded to your post. Anyway, you make a good point. This is a huge problem KI's gotten themselves into:
- The Accuracy Problem: The old Wild Bolt had a miniscule 10% chance of dealing 1000, but with the recent accuracy boost, the Wild Bolt's accuracy can be brought up to 70%. The new Wild Bolt has 70% accuracy, but the attack's power has been drastically altered, and now has a "33.3%" chance of dealing 10, 100, or 1000.
I see that as the biggest problem with the new bolt. Since it was largely used as a tactical spell on the way to more of a sure thing, it now starts with a 46.667% chance being tactically detrimental (by wasting pips, traps, and blades on an extremely low damage result), and rises as the spell gets more accurate until it becomes a 66.667% chance at 100% accuracy. It is primarily this argument which I hope will convince KI that the new bolt is as broken as the old one.
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
- The Pip Problem: If the old Wild Bolt fizzled, the caster would keep the 2 pips. With the new Wild Bolt, if it only deals 100 or even 10, the caster loses their 2 pips for a ridiculously weak attack.
- The Strength Problem: A good chance of dealing 1000 with the old Wild Bolt vs. a better and what seems to be the more usual chance of dealing 10 or 100 with the new Wild Bolt.
- The PvP Problem: It seems the only reason why this is even a problem is because of the PvP diehards whining about Wild Bolt, even though the power pip chance boost is probably the bigger problem.
While the PvP diehards certainly yell the loudest, I can assure you that many have complained about bolt for a very, very long time in terms of just PvE. You can chalk it up to jealousy, but in particular, I heard a lot of people complaining about playing with storm before the change. They found it annoying that with the accuracy boosts, bolt could just pick off the enemies one per round. Many of them commented about how it made them feel useless and inferior. Now, I don't agree with that and many times have tried to "show them the math", but emotions are a funny thing. I have to assume that there were far more complaints than just PvPers because, after all, KI is in the business of making money. They simply had to know that there would be a huge vocal backlash, but something made them decide to risk it anyway.
I do have to ask you about the power pip chance boost problem though. I don't recognize that issue and perhaps I'm unaware. Could you explain what that is?
AkihiroHattori5 wrote:
There's a lot to consider. To be honest, I'm not crazy about an accuracy/resistance cap, and it might not even be possible to make Wild Bolt immune to charms because I'm sure that idea was the first thing they thought of (it's the first thing I thought of when I heard about this problem!). It would've probably been a lot easier than revamping the entire spell. I can't think of any solutions to undo this half-baked excuse for a solution KI invented at the moment though. What I don't get is why they didn't put more thought into this instead of creating more elements to combat like "Critical Rating" and that other superflous stuff they added with Celestia.
I'm going to answer last point first and first point last. There are a lot of emotional components for people when they begin to deal with the new critical rating system. Some feel that it is a way to give weaker damage classes "storm like" damage, etc. The critical system is, as KI stated, a new random element which people can choose to build new strategies around. Its a new variable which makes things pretty whacky. In my opinion, the reason for this system wasn't to "nerf" anything (especially since you can have critical heals, steals, etc), it was that people had continued to complain about how stale things had become. Everyone followed the same class path, got the same class gear, etc, etc. The new system breaks that up, gives you more options, and more things to consider. In my opinion, bolt would have eventually become (if it wasn't already) a big problem anyway as its accuracy increased. I think that both things just really came to a head at the same time.
That being said, I think they put a lot of thought into the wild bolt change. However, they're programmers. They think in terms of things like "expected damage per pip". In that, even the new wild bolt is still higher than most spells. But what I think they missed is that they limited its use in terms of tactics, which also happens to be the primary way that people used it. To make matters worse, your chance of having a tactically detrimental outcome actually increases as the spell gets more accurate. While you can certainly adopt a different strategy for the new bolt as some have (putting gargantuan on it for instance), it also means that it doesn't become truly useful until you reach level 58 which is realistically pretty lame.
Finally, I was suggesting that if there are aggregate accuracy/resistance caps, that it would be fair to use the old bolt set as un-enchantable, like item and treasure cards already are. Making it immune to other charms and such is a much bigger deal, and also unnecessary. Realistically, if someone wants to cast an accuracy charm to use bolt, I don't see that as any different than a blade for damage. Back to the caps, shouldn't be that hard to implement and here's why. They already have to have a routine that adds up the stats from each piece of gear. It should be simple to add a line that says (in English) "if accuracy is greater than 30%, then accuracy equals 30%". Its important to focus on that its just an aggregate cap, not an individual one. Players individual gear items and pets would not be directly affected, but its likely that they would want to find other gear to balance out other stats as well. For instance, if they were over 30% on storm targeting, they may want to get one of those new items that gives them less storm and adds say balance accuracy. There are ice characters who have figured out how to get over 50% resist to all. That's frankly ridiculous. That's why I'm proposing an open debate on it. What can realistically be considered fair for combined gear statistics? I hope I'm explaining this ok.
I like the new wild bolt because it makes sense to do that much damage because it is a two pip spell and it shouldn't do 1,000 damage every time it is cast.However,I hate how enemies have a high chance of hitting 1,000 damage. Michael Sprite Shard lvl 50 and soon to be lvl 51 Grandmaster Pyromancer Master Of Fire
most all of the 28% who said they were for the new wild bolt weren't even storm players...
Are you saying that only storm players should get a vote?
I'm saying that most all of the people who voted against the old wild bolt had ulterior motifs of winning in PvP against storm players. Even then most non storm players voted against changing wild bolt. Most all of their written comments were against the change even though they themselves did not play storm. Ya, those who do not play storm and play something like balance in PvP and only desire to nerf an opponent does not deserve a vote.
I'm saying that most all of the people who voted against the old wild bolt had ulterior motifs of winning in PvP against storm players. Even then most non storm players voted against changing wild bolt. Most all of their written comments were against the change even though they themselves did not play storm. Ya, those who do not play storm and play something like balance in PvP and only desire to nerf an opponent does not deserve a vote.
Cool. I was just looking for clarification on your position.