I have several characters. One is a legendary sorcerer and another is a grandmaster theurgist. Yet I remain absolutely baffled about the effect of all of those spells whose names begin with "Mega", e.g. Mega Calm. What exactly do they do.
I thought I saw something once that suggested they are effective only in PvP battles. I don't PvP, so I have no experience there.
Does anyone really know? The Wike pages about the spells aren't too helpful. they just quote the words on the spell itself.
Can anyone explain this. If so, where did you get your information?
i cant give you a direct answer seeing that not allowed by this forum that waht wiki for but the spells rank 9 are just copies or spells the all ready have but stronger for example fires FIredragon has volcano attack all like fire dragon
I have several characters. One is a legendary sorcerer and another is a grandmaster theurgist. Yet I remain absolutely baffled about the effect of all of those spells whose names begin with "Mega", e.g. Mega Calm. What exactly do they do.
I thought I saw something once that suggested they are effective only in PvP battles. I don't PvP, so I have no experience there.
Does anyone really know? The Wike pages about the spells aren't too helpful. they just quote the words on the spell itself.
Can anyone explain this. If so, where did you get your information?
"Threat" is basically how much the enemy is focused on you, so if you lower it, it makes them less likely to pay attention to you, but if you raise it, they are more focused on you. The Mega spells are simply more effective at what they do.
I have several characters. One is a legendary sorcerer and another is a grandmaster theurgist. Yet I remain absolutely baffled about the effect of all of those spells whose names begin with "Mega", e.g. Mega Calm. What exactly do they do.
I thought I saw something once that suggested they are effective only in PvP battles. I don't PvP, so I have no experience there.
Does anyone really know? The Wike pages about the spells aren't too helpful. they just quote the words on the spell itself.
Can anyone explain this. If so, where did you get your information?
The MEGA versions generally are rank X, thereby dumping more pips into it and potentially changing the threat level far more rapidly than otherwise available.
Mega cards are simply more effective versions of the spells sold by Mortis the death tree. How effective is debateable, given the fact we don't have a way of measuring aggro/threat.
i.e. how effective more is a taunt versus a 400 point attack?
When I use those cards, I haven't done any damage prior or healed in order to dump aggro off to a minion or to take aggro from another player (Ice). So they are pretty effective even with the 2 pip versions. Once the attacks start flying, it "might" be worthwhile to use a high pip version of mega-soothe, but most people just take the beating and use those pips for healing (keep the aggro, vice trying to give it to someone else).