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The mean teacher

Dec 01, 2008
I actually find Cyrus Drake pretty interesting. He's actually one of the main reasons why I like the myth class so much. And I think it's pretty cool that he becomes nicer later, but for now, his meaness is quite a good motivating factor, because it actually makes me want to progress further in the game just to prove him wrong.

Jul 28, 2009
its because he lost his brother and and wife wouldnt you be sad and grumpy to

Aug 30, 2011
HEALER331 wrote:
why iscyrus drake so mean? is it because he misses maliastaire?

Not really. You'll notice that when you start training his spells, he will be mean to you, but then as you level up and gain better spells, he will slowlyyyyy be nice to you. When you train his spells, he will at first say stuff like: "Go away ... Go and play in the streets or something ..."
But after you train stuff like Minotaur and Earthquake, he will just say "Don't forget to add this spell in you deck!" just like the other professors. And after you restore Malistaire to peace, the myth teacher, at the headmaster's office, will finally admit that you are a truly remarkable student, and that "things are rough at the start". He will be nice to you eventually, believe me.

Sep 27, 2009
Orbit100 wrote:
its because he lost his brother and and wife wouldnt you be sad and grumpy to

he didn't lose his wife,malistare did.we dont even know if he was married.


Dec 18, 2010
Rachel9724 wrote:
Well, first of all, yes he is the spirals professer snape! lol! well, hes preety mean and strict! i mean who wants a teacher like that? I DONT!!! well i bet hes mean cuz malistere is his brother and cuz since he turned evil. whos with me, ehh? well i guess hes so mean cuz hes mean. happy i could help!

Comin on regular,
The almost level 21 death student, Rachel Skullflame, i have red hair!

u need to find me im level 33 almost 34 Joseph soul hammer

Apr 18, 2010
Apr 07, 2010
I agree.

But, I haven't make a Myth Wizard yet, but I am planning to make one soon, the thing I hate about him is that....

He sent me do deliver the laundry. :|

Jul 18, 2011
Cyrus is mean at first. But like people were saying, as you get higher in level and stronger in spells he will be nice to you. But I hate him because when the children are in trouble (cyclops Lane), you take the note to Ambrose and he reads it and says "I will NOT expel you from Ravenwood" so pretty much he wanted us wizards expelled <- dont know if thats spelled right

Destiny Deathblood lvl 34 death

Autumn PixieDust lvl 6 life (i think lvl 6 or 7)

(i have my sisters wiz, fire lvl 11 but i forgot her name and i have a storm, lvl 2 but i forgot her name too )

Dec 13, 2011
He's not that mean. Just a little strict, I mean you gotta have a few strict teachers! Where would the spiral be without them, Cyrus drake isn't mean, just strict, if your a myth person, your lucky!

Sep 27, 2011
Jun 04, 2009
taps1011 wrote:
Moribund wrote:
He's the Spiral's Professor Snape?


It would be funny if Cyrus Drake posted a message here. and XD snape.

May 31, 2011
I can understand why some may feel he is mean, but for some reason he never really bothered me. I just ignored his delivery and just did the quests. LOL. I have a level 70 Myth wizard. He does acknowledge your progress as you grow in the spiral. He's tough, but I feel fair.

Nov 14, 2008
He isn't that mean he is actually nice and he is like a school teacher in real life but in the game.

Nov 18, 2011
hes grumpy ... na im joking its cuz his brother has tooken over the WHLOE WORLD :o and people acusing him of helping his evil brother malistare cuz their brothers and what the rest of you guys said

Sep 27, 2009
He will get nicer as the game goes on. You have to improve and he has to get to know you.

Sep 27, 2009
HEALER331 wrote:
why iscyrus drake so mean? is it because he misses maliastaire?

Hes not mean. hes strict. And its because he wants you to suceed.

Jun 08, 2011
Moribund wrote:
He's the Spiral's Professor Snape?

Devin Darksong – lvl 60 Death
Digby Darksong – lvl 60 Life
Duncan Darksong –lvl 60 balance
Dylan Darksong –lvl 60 Storm
Dustan Darksong –lvl 60 Myth
Dolan Darksong –lvl 60 Ice

I lol'd so hard.

But seriously, Cyrus is like that because you were chosen to battle malistare, and when he first notices you, he thinks you aren't capable of doing it.
You notice that after you defeat Malistare, he shows his personallity.

Sep 05, 2010
I for one love Cyrus he's my teacher and though people see him as mean I think he's just skeptical and strict which is good for a teacher. He doesn't waste time making a joke and goes ahead with the class. And he does get less strict around dragonspyre

Malorn Deathwielder lvl 65 conjurer
Master of Monters

Sep 05, 2011
i agree with 1 person he is being serios so we can do well in battles and in harry poter form he would be snape

May 12, 2012
My wizard, Emily Legendheart, is a ice wizard. I think he only warms up to Myth students. When I first meet him, I thought that he was a complete jerk. But now, I feel sorry for him. He gets nicer as you level up.

Jul 31, 2011
Nov 06, 2008
luke123871 wrote:
why at first cant u go in pet pavilion
what does this have to do with the subject at first? lol. please put this as a main subject.

Apr 02, 2010
HEALER331 wrote:
why is cyrus drake so mean?

All the professors of the Spiral have their own personalities.
Some are more 'nurturing' than others, while others need you to earn their respect first. Cyrus isn't particularly fond of the 'up & coming wanna-be wizard', he wants you to demonstrate to him first that you are worthy of his respect. He has that abrasive personality for a reason - he is tainted after the fact that his brother turned evil, and his favorite sister-in-law was killed (as a result of Malistaire's craving for evil power than love for his family). It all fits into the storyline; as you level up and complete certain quests to demonstrate your skill, Cyrus does warm up to you and starts to become more encouraging. His lack of tact and interest in you at the start however, is somewhat motivating; you want to do as he asks because it earns you that respect. Its part of the reward. If you don't like Cyrus now, you will as you level up and build your skills.

Destiny SpiritGiver
Archmage Theurgist & Sorcerer

Apr 17, 2011
Jun 19, 2012