Perhaps an explanation about Power Pips from Diego? I was quite confused about this, wondering why I could cast this 2 pip spell but not the other two pip spell. ((If this is already in the tutorial, I apologize.)
That secondary schools are NOT to be chosen based on your personality as if they were Hogwarts houses, but rather on how their spells complement your character's primary school!
When my current character (Storm based on my answers to the Book of Secrets) was Level 5 or so, I chose Death as a secondary school based on the fact that of the other six schools, Death fit my personality the best.
It so happened that Ghoul was very helpful for me as I worked my way through the Shopping District, but that had nothing to do with me being solitary, driven, brave, or intelligent and everything to do with a fact that a 2-pip, 85% accuracy spell that both dealt a decent amount of damage and healed me for 80 points was a perfect counterpart to Lightning Bats.
Similarly, even though Ice ('strong, loyal, courageous, and honest') doesn't fit my personality, it might have been a good idea to start building up to a Tower Shield even at this early level... something I hadn't considered at the time both because of personality reasons and because both the level 1 and 5 spells looked particularly weak!
I think it's important to explain some basic in game manners. While it's good to encourage players to help each other it's equally important to stress the need to "ask before you jump" into another person's battles. That person could be very near to dying and getting 1 more enemy makes them have to start over on their task. And if you do enter you should be prepared to help that person, look at their health and shield etc if needed. The trading treasure cards for items should be addressed as well. Let them know it is most likely a scam. Never to expect something that costs real world money for a in game free item. The basics of chat and reportable offenses. Some one mentioned prisms, yes that needs to be part of the tutorial. Many people at higher levels still don't know when and how to use for best effect.
I have to agree with this wizard. Far too many of us are Not asking to join a battle first. Many times I have been close to death,but managing my battle, then all of a sudden someone joins, brings another critter into the battle then the leave. Leaving me to fend for myself and having to fight another critter.If I survive that is. The prisms defiently need to be addressed earlier in the game. PLease have Deigo tell the low lvl wizards that manners go a long way and to ASK before jumping into a battle with another wizard.
We want to know if there's anything you know about Wizard101 now, that you wish you'd known in those first five levels of the game.
Is there anything missing from the tutorial or the first five levels that you feel is important information?
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Well, there are many things that you could cover in the tutorial!!! 1- The clothes: tell them about the health and mana you can obtain from them. That was one that really frustrated me! I was lvl 10 and still had 635 hp! Oh, instead of us dueling in tutorial, instead you should give us a quest or something to talk to the teachers and go to the fairegrounds, i dont know, just renew the origanal tutorial. Its a little boring (the tutorial). I mean, really, with this origanal tutorial you should hype it up a bit!!!
We want to know if there's anything you know about Wizard101 now, that you wish you'd known in those first five levels of the game.
Is there anything missing from the tutorial or the first five levels that you feel is important information?
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I think Deigo should rephrase " jump in when you see a wizard in need of help" to " Are You OK, do you need help? OR... May I join you? Manners go a long way and many times I have had so meone join a battle, leave and I end up dead or close to it.
Experiance Points: How does xp's work? Why is it that fighting some "badies" you get more xp and if you fight the same one you get different xps? I take it you get more when fighting with groups? How does that work? Does one get xps by crafting? And what of questing, do you get more xps doing quests than just killing badies and PvP?
Fizzling: do you ever get to a lvl when you don't fizzle? Why do we fizzle?
Spells: do spells do more damage when you get higher in levels? (i'm not talking of the treasure cards) would that mean more xps as well?
PRISMS! Too many people use prisms without knowing what they do, as well as boosts and resists
Absolutely need to add something about Prisms during the toturial. Either that, or have the teacher explain what prisms are for when they are awarded the card from their teacher.
thats the one they should add the teacher needs to explain the prism so they understand its not a trap spell and explain the difference between the two
In PvE combat, xp is the total amount of pips used. It'spossible to get additional xp for combat that completes a quest.
[quit]Fizzling: do you ever get to a lvl when you don't fizzle? Why do we fizzle?[/quit] It's possible to fizzle at every level. Chance to fizzle is an obstacle that makes the game challenging.
Spells: do spells do more damage when you get higher in levels? would that mean more xps as well? Spells only do more damage if you use items, like gear, pets, or cards, that add a bonus to damage. Higher rank spells mean more damage because they increase the number of pips used.
i think in the tutorial you should help each wizard by letting them know what the weakness is to each school 'cause i had trouble figuring that out until kroktopia.
I believe the battle tutorial should be done right after the entroduction, before you even get your first quest. Currently, you're lvl 5 before you're taught how to battle... Which doesn't make much sense!
Secondly, what ever happened to Bartleby's eye? Malistaire stole it, but even after Malistaire is beaten, nothing is said about it again. What happened to it?
I think that in the first five levels all wizards need to be taught about how prisms/converts work! I still see grandmasters and above using them as traps on all enemy schools because the player feels it somehow makes their hit more powerful or more accurate.
Definitely add in Diego talking about how a prism works during his dueling tutorial!
Well, you explain the game pretty well over time, but you could explain things a lot better. I think you could explain traps, blades, and prisms, and how they stack up. Besides that, you can handle things pretty well. Good luck new wizards! :) Matthew Summerleaf, level 33 theurgist
I would have liked to know the boosts and resists too. I was a balance wizard and i did not know what they were iuntil krokotopia where i got a lot of Kroks who resisted my spells and i didnt know what to do.
We want to know if there's anything you know about Wizard101 now, that you wish you'd known in those first five levels of the game.
Is there anything missing from the tutorial or the first five levels that you feel is important information?
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I believe the "Advanced Combat" quest you receive from Diego should show your school's last spell, rather than your level ten spell. It would definitely motivate players to level up. Sorry, I think the quest is given at level 6 or 7 though.