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Teleporting problems...

Mar 11, 2009
I have a feeling this has been asked before but as a newbie to Wizard101 Ihaven't found the topic yet.

Could there be a permission request added to the teleporting system? I was in Mooshu with my death wizard friend doing some quests and a person ported in at the beginning of a battle with a boss then a friend of theirs (who was not even on my friends list) followed them. They both left and my friend and I had four beasts to defeat. We were able to do it but it was very frustrating. I wonder if there could be a change so I would have to click either "Yes, come along" or "sorry, busy at the moment" when someone tries to teleport to me. I was also having the same problem yesterday in Counterweight West and Big Ben, friends kept popping in and out. I like having friends but the popping in unannounced can be very annoying and make battles more difficult.

Also, I have to say that Wizard101 is the most fun I have ever had online. Thanks

Feb 04, 2009
Hey khorne,
At this point there isn't any sort of permission to allow people to teleport to you. They can do so at any time and many people have suffered the same fate as you with having extra monsters pulled and then having the porters flee.

The only recommendation I can make is that if someone you add as a friend does that then ask them not to or just delete them from your friends list.

My own personal policy is that I won't add anyone to my friends list if I don't know them in person or I haven't worked with them on a quest and found them to be mature and/or respectful enough to other players.

Feb 17, 2009
Aye, this has been asked for several times. A lot of us are hoping that something like this is implemented, along with a toggle to allow friend invites.

As a rule, I tell people on my friends list to ask before porting to me. If they don't, they get one chance. If they continue, they get removed. Luckily, I've found a great group of people to hang out with that are very polite, and my friends list is clear of all but them, and my family.

Mar 11, 2009
Thanks for the replies :D

I do so enjoy having friends to help when needed and I will gladly help them when they are in need. I myself have never "popped" in without first asking and I do feel it is actually rude to do so.

Maybe we will be lucky and there will be some changes made...Hint, Hint

Jan 23, 2009

I myself started a thread called the option of saying NO

Which was all about this. It was taken down eventually. I had hoped that it would get a response. Still I am hoping that this issue will be considered for a number of reasons.

But if not its not the worse thing to happen.

Thank you for your feedback on this issue. We realize that players may be teleporting to each other at inconvenient times, and we are looking at ways to extend the functionality of the Friends List and how players interact with each other.

Mar 11, 2009