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Strongest Schools

Jun 30, 2009
Now, we all know what the strongest school is, Storm. However, the others are quiet blank, we aren't aware of their strength. Some say Life is the weakest, some say other schools are. However, after comparing the damage of each spell and their rank, this is what i found. Here is a list of the schools in the order of their strength, along with their average strength.

1. Storm (478)
2. Fire (368)
3. Myth (365)
4. Ice (359)
5. Death (333)
6. Life (323)
7. Balance (292)

Surprisingly, Balance is the weakest school. Of course, i didn't count spectral blast, but it would be difficult. Tell me what you think of this outcome

Dec 17, 2008
wait, how did you come up with these numbers? It seems like you just added up all of the damages of the cards and divided by the number of cards.

When you say that you incorporated the rank, I would think that you took the total damage of the cards, and divided by the total number of rank, giving you an average-damage-per-pip kind of ranking since 1 rank = 1 pip.

Feb 23, 2009
Well, I'm afraid that Death is actually stronger than Ice. Here's how it would go, for me.

1. Storm
2. Fire
3. Death
4. Ice
5. Myth
6. Life
7. Balance

But, Balance would be nothing without Judgement, Nova, and Spectral Blast.

Jun 21, 2009
I think this is a dangerous thread. Because, there might be a strongest school. But, the srongest player knows how to mix them all. Personaly, I just started a charater that has fire,myth, and life.

Jun 30, 2009
Well, what i did is went on wiki and looked at the spells that were placed there. This isn't 100% accurate being that i didn't use all spells for every school, however, the damage is all the same. I used excel and found the average damage, and compared each one.

Bye the way, Death is not stronger than ice. Its Rank 3 spell is 5 points above ice's, that's all. if i need further proof:


RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 195
RANK 3: 300
RANK 4: 395
RANK 5: 500
RANK 6: 540
RANK 7: 475

now Death:

RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 160
RANK 3: 305*
RANK 4: 350
RANK 5: 510*
RANK 6: 500
RANK 7: 400


By the way fancymay, your order is guessing, i used simple average count. I wish i could show you my chart, you would be able to see what i mean.

Jun 30, 2009
oh, furthermore, i checked out the excel sheet, and, i remembered i counted x ranked spells, and when i counted them as nothing, the averages increased significantly, and balance went over life. So these are the averages NOT counting damage X rank spells.

1. Storm (534)
2. Fire (403)
3. Myth (365)
4. Ice (359)
5. Death (333)
6. Balance (324)
7. Life (323)

So, i made balance weaker by adding an x rank spell. Most x rank spells are weaker, resulting in average reduction. That was a mistake, i apologize. However, Ice still beats death.

Dec 20, 2008
Jun 23, 2009
MSS11 wrote:
Well, what i did is went on wiki and looked at the spells that were placed there. This isn't 100% accurate being that i didn't use all spells for every school, however, the damage is all the same. I used excel and found the average damage, and compared each one.

Bye the way, Death is not stronger than ice. Its Rank 3 spell is 5 points above ice's, that's all. if i need further proof:


RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 195
RANK 3: 300
RANK 4: 395
RANK 5: 500
RANK 6: 540
RANK 7: 475

now Death:

RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 160
RANK 3: 305*
RANK 4: 350
RANK 5: 510
RANK 6: 500
RANK 7: 400


By the way fancymay, your order is guessing, i used simple average count. I wish i could show you my chart, you would be able to see what i mean.

you missed the rank 5 spell that is also greater for death than ice

Jun 21, 2009
This suggest to me that life needs stronger spells, because death shouldn't be over balance. Aleast not here. PLEASE, lock this thread.

May 21, 2009
Hi there message board veiwers! I have read all of the replies for this post and there are all these numbers, ranks, and a bunch of other pointless stuff.
I don't think people understand it there isn't a strongest or weakest school
all of the schools have there strengths and weaknesses. I'm not sure what they are for each school but I know that for Life it's strength is the ability to heal. But its weakness is the lack of attack spells. Thank you for reading

Christopher JadeBlade
lvl.50 Theurgist
Savior of the Spiral

Jun 30, 2009
Yes, i missed the rank 5. And life should have more attack spells, however, that is left for another topic. Also, i don't see why i should lock this thread.

Death is weaker than Ice, which i found surprising, and i DID fix my math, life IS weaker than balance.

Dec 28, 2009

OK, you guys gotta stop putting us life guys on the lowest schools list.Balance can do the biggest attack, Fire has the best fourty eight attack spell. All schools are unique in certain ways and storm is definetly not the best! I would put it on the one of the low school. Life can do better damage than death, but if it wasn't for death we wouldn't have feints! I think we should stop rating schools and look on how each of the schools are good in there own way. Who's with me!

Jun 28, 2010
There are no BEST schools. However, storm is the MOST POWERFUL. Second in the list of power is Fire, Myth, Death, Balance, Life, Ice. This is not the order of BEST schools. The BEST school for power is, of course, Storm. The BEST for DoT is, of course, Fire. The BEST for minions is, of course, Myth. The BEST for stealing health is, of course, Death. The BEST for buffing and manipulating the game is, of course, Balance. The BEST for healing is, of course, Life. The BEST for staying alive is, of course Ice.

Notice how I show all the good points, and keep balance, even though i am Life. I personally don't care if people say I have bad attack spells, because they're probobly just jealous that they can't heal, and get defeated way more often than me. So, now you all see, there is NO BEST SCHOOL!

Jul 04, 2010
idk if you guys talking bout pvp but here my overall rankings not based on just damage
1 Ice if you unlock its true potential
2 balance Not cause of judgement there are few people that use real planning with this and make it work
3 Fire ( you need to be very smart to masters this took me around a year to completely master it )
4 Death ( very hard to master but has proven to be one of best )
5 Myth ( best in 1v1 pretty much )
6 storm ( yes i know lol but its completely useless in 1v1 in person stacks shields but it shines in team matches )
7 Life ( very limited )

Jun 30, 2009
If you're talking about BEST school, not under damage, i would have to pick Ice, Balance, Storm, and Life. Those are the best schools with the best abilities. I am planning on finishing all four of those schools (i already finished Storm) since i consider them to be the best.

Ice has the most health, most defenses, and their spells seem weak but really aren't. Balance has great ways of powering up and Judgment, which can be deadly. Storm has wild bolt and tempest, and their spells are devastating. Life can heal with rebirth and other healing spells, which makes them very useful in pvp.

Just to add, i used to be excited to play pvp when i got to grandmaster on my storm guy, but it became very difficult to do, and my rank is under 400 in pvp on my storm guy, which makes me believe that storm isn't exactly the best.

Mar 08, 2009
MSS11 wrote:
Well, what i did is went on wiki and looked at the spells that were placed there. This isn't 100% accurate being that i didn't use all spells for every school, however, the damage is all the same. I used excel and found the average damage, and compared each one.

Bye the way, Death is not stronger than ice. Its Rank 3 spell is 5 points above ice's, that's all. if i need further proof:


RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 195
RANK 3: 300
RANK 4: 395
RANK 5: 500
RANK 6: 540
RANK 7: 475

now Death:

RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 160
RANK 3: 305*
RANK 4: 350
RANK 5: 510*
RANK 6: 500
RANK 7: 400


By the way fancymay, your order is guessing, i used simple average count. I wish i could show you my chart, you would be able to see what i mean.

Did you bring into acount that the spells that heal and do damage are only a tiny bit behind. I think death is way better than ice

Jul 12, 2009
Aww! that stinks bacause im life and im always complaining i dont have enough attack cards. my second is storm but i dont get any of the good cards. if you are a low lvl and have this combination id advise to chage while there is still time. RUN! RUN AND SAVE YOURSELF! :(

Abigail Spiritrider

Jun 19, 2009
basiccly all schools are the weakest if you don't how use it properley,plus about the whole ice is stronger then death there are both equal

-good health
-frost giant stuns and attacks
-tower shield
-has a bubble spell that Does boost attacks

-good accuracy
-health stealing spells
-scarcrow does 400 damage each and heals you by 200 each
-doom and gloom is good for fighting a life in pvp

so you see they are both no better then the othere my level 45 death lasted 5 turns againt a ice grandmast with only 543 and during that time i lowerd his health to 772 and then he beat me with collosuss

Oct 18, 2009
aluvian40 wrote:
MSS11 wrote:
Well, what i did is went on wiki and looked at the spells that were placed there. This isn't 100% accurate being that i didn't use all spells for every school, however, the damage is all the same. I used excel and found the average damage, and compared each one.

Bye the way, Death is not stronger than ice. Its Rank 3 spell is 5 points above ice's, that's all. if i need further proof:


RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 195
RANK 3: 300
RANK 4: 395
RANK 5: 500
RANK 6: 540
RANK 7: 475

now Death:

RANK 1: 105
RANK 2: 160
RANK 3: 305*
RANK 4: 350
RANK 5: 510
RANK 6: 500
RANK 7: 400


By the way fancymay, your order is guessing, i used simple average count. I wish i could show you my chart, you would be able to see what i mean.

you missed the rank 5 spell that is also greater for death than ice
No he didn't you removed it look at the original version, sheesh

Oct 18, 2009
shoggi wrote:
idk if you guys talking bout pvp but here my overall rankings not based on just damage
1 Ice if you unlock its true potential
2 balance Not cause of judgement there are few people that use real planning with this and make it work
3 Fire ( you need to be very smart to masters this took me around a year to completely master it )
4 Death ( very hard to master but has proven to be one of best )
5 Myth ( best in 1v1 pretty much )
6 storm ( yes i know lol but its completely useless in 1v1 in person stacks shields but it shines in team matches )
7 Life ( very limited )
what... you some kind of Gandalf wizard expert? "fire takes a year to master, very hard to master?" its a game, you click a card, you click a target its not esacly learning to ridie a bike now is it

Aug 21, 2009
this has got to be the most non-intelligent thread post I've seen on here... you can't assign and add points up like that to compare different schools against each other... they are different schools for a reason... play a balance in pvp and then tell me how balance stacks up on your list (hint... it won't be the worst school by far)

Apr 11, 2010
Ok I know that life might be the weakest school, but COME ON! People tease me ALL the time just because I am life! I hate it. It seems like I am the only one getting teased. Ok so what if life doesnt have great spells or great traps! But without life you would be dead! Life does not fizzle a lot, also i am lvl 46 and i almost have 3,000 health! And around like 400 mana or something like that. Even if you use take 250 give 700, life healing spells are WAYYYY better. SO YEA! PLEASE RESPECT LIFE A LITTLE BIT MORE PLEASE!

Apr 18, 2010
I don't agree at ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think it was completely wrong. This is my rating.

1. Storm
2. Fire
3. Balance
4. Death
5. Myth
6. Ice
7. Life

Balance can't be last cause it has the judge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 08, 2009
too me personally i think storm is the strongest next to that is life and fire is a tie because my friend was fighting me and he hit me with helephant which cause like 1600 damage but the fact is that i killed him with centaur which hit like 1800- 2000 health( yea i buffed but he buffed to ) and plus there's another that's more powerful centaur and it's earthwalker( i gotta admit the only way you can get it is with pet and the only way u can get pet is with crowns) i will say myth is next cause they have minotaur earthquake and that two headed dog but it's only powerful when the second hit from that card is effective and i say balance and ice is a tie too because they both have strategies for winning(balance= judgement ice = ice absorb ) both those spells take the power of pips you have on ur field for ice defense makes the best offense and they both have attack all enemies card ( only difference is that ice card stuns through the process) so that is my opinion on the schools

Apr 18, 2010
i did the math and got these numbers.

1. Storm 593
2. Fire 442 (not including heck hound but its still wouldn't reach storm)
3. Balance 400 ( including Judgement)
4. Myth 365
5. Ice 350
6 Death 344
7. Life 318

We averaged the max attack points for each school. This is the actual average!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1