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Storm Wizards

Oct 05, 2012
Feb 03, 2012
I'm pretty sure by now most people have multiple wizards so it's hard to keep track, everyone could be any wizard if they wanted to be but i was a storm on my original wizard and still am.

Jul 03, 2010
PhoenixMercury on Dec 13, 2012 wrote:
How many people are storm wizards?
I had a storm wizard that I got bored with and deleted. I struggled to get though to Zafari - once there I was totally one hitting everything but the quests were so repetitious I gave up, the lions in Savanna did me in.

I recently decided to give it another go to fill the time until my yearly sub expires and I have found the gear has improved a lot since my older days so I can solo though DS so far with out much ado.

I don't like the second arc of the game at all so I may do some of Wintertusk but probably won't do Celestia or above. Since I am a casual gamer I don't like the excessive challenge required to play Avalon or Azteca.

Feb 19, 2010
I have a storm and my son has a storm and i think all accounts that my family own has storm wizards on them.

Nov 07, 2012
Feb 07, 2011
all of my accounts have at least one storm wizard on them, including this one (vonawesome). sestiva just started avalon last night, and she is my favourite wizard on this acct... i put a lot of effort into making sure that, even with her fail health and crit block, she's awesome.


sestiva stormblade,
transcendent diviner/72

Sep 30, 2009
my original is fire but i do have a storm wizard and he is almost done with grizzleheim. after that its on to wintertusk where the great rewards are.