I am a Level 24 Storm wizard currently questing in Chelsea Court, an I have been dealing with problems ok the streets. Being a Storm wizard, I have very low health. I tend to have to solo, since most of my friends are never on. My gear is all from Grizzleheim, (I finished Savarstaad Pass) minus the wand and amulet. My health stat is currently about 1160. My mana stat is around 70. If any Storm wizard who has dealt with the same problem, please let me know what I can do. I have Death as my second school, but only because I want feint.
Currently I am taking a Storm wizard though the Spiral solo. I know I will want some help with the Malistaire fight, a few caves in Wintertusk and Trial of the Spheres.
As for Marleybone which I recently completed including Big Ben solo - I must say I planned for this world by doing all quests and side quests before entering there. I was a higher level then you are and had Tempest, lvl 28, on my side.
As for gear - every 5th level I visit the Bazaar, with a Storm wizard you need to balance out more then most wizard schools. You need to start to get accuracy as early as possible, then factor in life/mana and damage and as it becomes more available pips.
As for Feint - altho it would be nice to have this boost on my spells I forgo that because frankly my Storm wizard can not afford another 30% trap put on it. Also realize at one point as your power up your Storm Feint won't be needed. I was one hitting things in Krockatopia so how much more boost do I need?
The key is not to wait but attack non stop. Storm wizards need to kill their opponents fast or die if they delay. Life amulet is very helpful for storm wizard too.
I am a Level 24 Storm wizard currently questing in Chelsea Court, an I have been dealing with problems ok the streets. Being a Storm wizard, I have very low health. I tend to have to solo, since most of my friends are never on. My gear is all from Grizzleheim, (I finished Savarstaad Pass) minus the wand and amulet. My health stat is currently about 1160. My mana stat is around 70. If any Storm wizard who has dealt with the same problem, please let me know what I can do. I have Death as my second school, but only because I want feint.
Thank you, Talon Thunderbane
i recomend staying in kt until you get tempest those guys in mb attack in groups and my poor diviner got a painful beating try to head right in once you get tempest go back and destroy anyone in your way ( also its good to get a +1 starting pip wand from wysteria which in fact if i recall y0ou can go there at lvl 25 ) wysteria and kt quests expecially wysteria's story line should put you up to spec for these tough fights also if ya see storm enemies edit in a few prisms while not ubsetting the deck flow do that and will be able to beat mb easily ( storm caught in dungeon do to DQs but she has soloed pretty much all the places she has went and even beated a couple sharks in cl ) when i hopped to my friend and we got lost
always remember to release your hidden spark and good luck in mb ( clockwork golems are toughies prisms take em out fast )
I have a level 64 Storm wizard, with whom I soloed most of the game. Two things that will help you do the same:
1) Keep your deck small~ that way, you're guaranteed to find the cards you need and defeat the enemies before they have a chance to hurt you.
2) Pack your Pixie (the one you got from Lady Oriel at the beginning) and keep a few healing TC in your sideboard. You don't need a mastery amulet or Life as a secondary~ mine originally had used her points for Life spells, but I bought them back before she hit level 50.
That being said, you may need help from Celestia onward~ my Storm wiz quests with a Death buddy, and she sticks to him like super-glue. Both of them use the steps above, and neither one has ever died in combat.
Hope this helps! -veebz
archmage sorceress & necromancer legendary diviner, magus theurgist & the rest of my wizarding family!