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Storm School? ....

Mar 28, 2018
I’m a level 57 storm wizard, and I usually look at stuff in the forums (older stuff a lot) and I think storm has gotten the short end of the stick? Storm has a high base damage, but the low health is a HUGE setback. Obviously storm shouldnt have as high a health as ice, but seriously? The low base health is ridiculous. Also, how are we supposed to counter wizards from death school? They have decent damage and health, and they heal while getting damage.

And the high base damage is easily countered by a storm or tower shield. Maybe storm should get a damage over time spell; It doesnt even need to have high damage, just something to help with shields.

I dont want to sound like I’m complaining, I love my storm wizard, but it gets a little frustrating at times knowing you have the lowest health compared to other schools which can result in getting killed the fastest (Pixies only heal 400 so)

Any thoughts on this? Would like to know what other people think.

Aug 03, 2014
I think this is why the 2 pip lightning elf TC is popular for storms in PvP. There is also mutate fire elf (into lightning elf) if you train the fire elf first.

I don't know enough about PvP to know if storms get a raw deal or not, but maybe these treasure card options would help a bit with the shields.

Lightning Elf is a storm spell
Mutate Fire Elf (into lightning elf) is a fire spell

They both turn up in the bazaar quite frequently but usually in small numbers at a time. If you find them useful it might be worth checking for them whenever you're passing by the bazaar or even 'farming' the bazaar for them for a little while. You're unlikely to get a big number available at once but buying a few regularly should help you get a nice stock together.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but I hope this helps a bit at least!

Feb 28, 2014
Victoria FireHeart on May 17, 2018 wrote:
I think this is why the 2 pip lightning elf TC is popular for storms in PvP. There is also mutate fire elf (into lightning elf) if you train the fire elf first.

I don't know enough about PvP to know if storms get a raw deal or not, but maybe these treasure card options would help a bit with the shields.

Lightning Elf is a storm spell
Mutate Fire Elf (into lightning elf) is a fire spell

They both turn up in the bazaar quite frequently but usually in small numbers at a time. If you find them useful it might be worth checking for them whenever you're passing by the bazaar or even 'farming' the bazaar for them for a little while. You're unlikely to get a big number available at once but buying a few regularly should help you get a nice stock together.

Sorry I can't be more helpful but I hope this helps a bit at least!
Don't forget " Storm Hound" which is another dot and popular to find in the Bazaar.

Feb 28, 2014
I believe Kingsisle made Storm a low health to balance it's owe character since it's a one of the 2 main power hitters. There has to be a weakness in every class to keep the wizards fun to play. I wouldn't want to play a godly wizard.

Jan 18, 2010
Just to add, storm also has a DoT available on the Viper in a Jar pet. The spell Tingling Poison is just like death's Poison card.

The unfortunate case about the spell though is that the pet only gives one of the card to my knowledge. Not sure if it increases the older the pet gets.

Also, at higher levels, is efficiently equipped with the power it needs to tackle on many obstacles facing it.

You just need to know how to efficiently harvest that inner thunder as the school's professor so greatly puts it.

Good Luck!

Also, our two pips spells such as Wild Bolt and Lighting Bats are excellent for breaking shields!

May 08, 2010
For tower/storm shields, having shatter in side deck will help, until you reach the point for shadow spells and learn shrike. (50% pierce) As for storms health, it has to be somewhat low, considering late game, storm owl can almost do 2000 by itself with 1 enchant, but Yeah, low health can be annoying.

Dec 08, 2016
I agree, the low health can be a bit annoying, but it's to balance out the schools otherwise Storm would just be too overpowered and no doubt everyone would start creating a Storm char.