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Spring 2021 Update - Your First Impressions

Dec 09, 2008
The new update is LIVE!

Check out all the new content, including two new Skeleton Key Bosses, and see all of the improvements to existing systems.

Here are the update notes: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/update-notes/april2021

Let us know what you think of it all in a reply below! Please post a separate post in the appropriate area of the forums if you encounter a bug or other issue we need to take a look at.

Sep 25, 2020
Hello, I'm a solo PvE Necromancer player and I use to one-round/ two-rounds the minions, even for the Elite guards. But yesterday I discovered Karamelle and it's harder to one-shot them because they've their -45% shields or -80%, and since that spring update, I have something like 153% of damages instead of 155% plus my blade has been lowered to 35% so I struggle to find a good meta-deck. What if the solution was to permit players to add a sharpened blade on their deathspear, lifespear and so on? 30% of pierce + our stats would be so cool

Furthermore, I appreciate that update for its small interface details added on top and also for the new traps version

Nov 22, 2008
I love the update so far.

I only have one thing that worries me that I didn't notice in Test Realm. Beastmoon seeds no longer dropping Treasure cards (including notable Lore TCs like Pigsie) has made it harder for people to acquire these TCs. This feels like a kick in the shin to a lot of us as a solid part of the community started growing beastmoon seeds with the sole purpose of getting Lore TCs from Beastmoon seeds.

I am aware that it may be too late to get feedback and changes made to the update, but this is a big one that won't be noticed for some time that would be great if changes. Maybe you get a TC or a spellement? I just don't want the most accessible way for new players to get Lore TCs to vanish because we needed the PvP community to care about Beastmoon and couldn't find a better place to put new Spellement drops.

Mar 05, 2019
The resist/damage nerf is detrimental, there are players saying they are near dying to street mobs in higher worlds in just a couple of rounds. I do not think that is "balanced" in any way shape or form for PVE. I dont understand the point of stats anymore if stuff like that will happen.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Honestly, a little disappointed.

There are lots of little things, that I feel like could have been fixed that were not.

I'm also confused about why the level requirements for some of the spells are different, but I will make a separate post for that.

Wishing for happy trails in the future!

Jul 13, 2019
Since yesterdays' update where the Spring changes were rolled out, did they mess with the critical damage system again? Because, I noticed when PvE that minions and bosses in Mirage critical damage hit every single time. I know the game is supposed to be challenging, but since the critical system was changed last year, it was better as they critical damage hit less often making it far more easier to solo. As a paying member I find this change frustrating.

Nov 26, 2015
just a heads up, the fullscreen lock bug from start of test realm is currently active in live realm hope can be quick patched

Sep 26, 2017
This update is so good !!! and the new bundle is so fun and interesting! I looked at the Great Sky Train Robbery Pack and the robes are some of the coolest I have EVER seen . I love longcoats. I REALLY wish we could dye these, I like to make stitches so I would be in heaven. I know a lot of others would love this too. I could see this robe looking great in black especially!

May 07, 2010
gonna be honest -- im extremely disappointed. not because of the contents of the update itself, but because it came to live way too soon! there were so many things that still needed to be polished & fixed with the AoE spells, PvE changes, and more. i thought there was no way this update was going to live this week, i thought the maintenance would just be a final test realm update & bugfix patch based on player feedback before shipping it next week. but still we continue this trend of shipping unfinished updates... and now, again, we will have to wait months for the needed fixes come in (if they ever do). what a letdown...

nonetheless, ill enjoy some of the good things about this update, like the friendly players feature. i honestly hope to see this feature in particular expand later this year. the "social" tab definitely has a lot of room to grow, so i look forward to that.

but more than that, i hope to see polish & bugfix patches for this update come in very soon & continue over the next month, to get this update finished like it shouldve been. i hope you understand. thank you

Dec 19, 2011
rest on Apr 21, 2021 wrote:
I love the update so far.

I only have one thing that worries me that I didn't notice in Test Realm. Beastmoon seeds no longer dropping Treasure cards (including notable Lore TCs like Pigsie) has made it harder for people to acquire these TCs. This feels like a kick in the shin to a lot of us as a solid part of the community started growing beastmoon seeds with the sole purpose of getting Lore TCs from Beastmoon seeds.

I am aware that it may be too late to get feedback and changes made to the update, but this is a big one that won't be noticed for some time that would be great if changes. Maybe you get a TC or a spellement? I just don't want the most accessible way for new players to get Lore TCs to vanish because we needed the PvP community to care about Beastmoon and couldn't find a better place to put new Spellement drops.
The new update actually messed up a lot more things with beastmoon seeds.

- We don't get treasure cards any more
- It now costs 3 moonstones instead of 2 to craft one seed.
- School seeds no longer drop a guaranteed 2-3 moonstones. Instead, there is a rare chance for 1 moonstone

Specifically, with the last two changes, it is now impossible to garden these seeds effectively. We need to get back enough moonstones from a harvest to craft another seed.

One change that was added is we now get recipes for spellements (which require moongold dust and rare tc, making them useless) and we also get spellements sometimes.

Adding spellements to the drop table for beastmoon seeds would have been fine, but removing moonstones as a drop is not fine at all. This makes it so that no one can garden beastmoon seeds, and no one will get the spellements anyway.

I'm not sure why this change was made. It just seems like a sneaky way to restrict players' access to tcs and spellements. If you want it to be harder to get tcs and spellements from these seeds, then don't make it impossible to garden them. Just lower the drop rate.

Jan 16, 2010
I noticed some of the things that were really bright in my house (the larger MB house), are no longer as shiny (like walls and the like). Thank you so much for these changes! I'm also enjoying the increase on my necromancer to her traps. I can't speak for higher levels yet as I haven't logged in with those characters yet, but up to Krokotopia level, things are looking just fine. Thank you!

Jan 03, 2012
critical on high worlds is most likely extremely broken... Did some questing in Emperya and could only get so far by myself considering EVERY MOB AND BOSS IS CRITING. I swear my critical is high, but wow theirs is through the roof. I tried doing the Foetid Crypt Dungeon in the catacombs and it is currently physically impossible to beat it... The crit on the mobs needs to be lowered A TON especially if it is going to be combined with absolutely absurd cheats. The way it was before the update was perfect, but i guess if you guys want the critical on mobs raised more I could see it getting raised a little, but wow, they most likely have a 99% to critical on you.

For example,

Foetid Crypt dungeon, if you don't start (or even if you do) you lose. The bosses and mobs start with like max pips so they just send an AOE around and before you know it after the first round you are at 30% of your hp. Adding that on top of getting rebirthed, using spells like old sirens which breaks blades and adds an accuracy debuff just made it impossible.

IMO should be reverted back to what it was before because whatever was done with it has ruined the fun out of the game, having to most likely flee almost every match because I'm too close to dying and then having to come back.

I'm also not sure if i've just been unlucky and maybe today was just not my day, but WOW the critical seems like it's off the charts for mobs

Jan 03, 2012
had a few caps in reply to highlight some issues but didn't know it would be rejected...

To sum it all up, Critical is 100% broken on high worlds and honestly i refuse to believe otherwise. Emperya, i have random street mobs criting on me almost every time i go against them, all the bosses are criting just as much as I would, and dont get me started on the Foetid Crypt dungeon.

Foetid Crypt dungeon imo is currently impossible to beat with how critical is working for these mobs right now. they start with max pips and they all send aoe's around and they are all criting, it does not make sense, and they should not be criting this much with also having a boat load of cheats as well.

Really hoping this was a bug and not something that is actually intended for the game because wow it's insane

Sep 25, 2020
Someone talked about the fact that now we die against streets mobs on higher world because of nerf and crit received, I think that this thing is interesting because we're lvl 140, and we need difficulty. However, I will say that these mobs are made for players will all the latest equipment "at the forefront". I mean for the players who got time to farm catacombs before Karamelle's arrive, so maybe change something with the way to get them, or improve their resist/ the shadow pip rating against these mobs to easily cast a Lulu on first round.

Jul 10, 2012
Really not loving the Chimera nerf - 9 pips for 180 more damage than the 6 pip hydra seems like a waste - but the social/friendly wizard bit seems beneficial for finding players to help with fights!

Apr 30, 2018
May 14, 2011
I love the update except for the beastmoon seed thing. I think when it comes to critical on high level worlds, we need to realize that they want us not to focus on single stats and focus on more than just those 2 for pve. I mean stats like resist or damage. We need to have block since I notice people with 40 block wondering why critical is happening so often and hurting.

Nov 14, 2012
Im just upset I cant solo anything in Mirage anymore. Just got to Mirage before the update and now im stuck at Overlord Xerxes...

Nov 14, 2012
Mirage needs further review. Its almost impossible to solo there now at all. I am Not happy.

Aug 28, 2011
I've never really sat down and played this game properly to ever max out a character, but I decided this year would be the time. I'm a storm user currently in Azteca and was playing before this update. I was doing fine playing Solo and the new update has made progressing come to an absolute standstill with enemies and bosses. The new critical for enemies are favoring them, and are criting me, and crit blockng my attacks very frequently. This is very frustrating to play, especially since bosses and mobs are starting to have starting pips almost at maximum. I do enjoy the AOE's being sped up, and the blades are fine. I would just love to see the crit system reverted to its pre-update values, and brought to the table more fleshed out.

Feb 08, 2010
I like the social aspect of the update making it easier for people to get help as they now need it with the damage, resist and blade nerf.

I have been a player with my daughters on a family account for more than a decade this update has completely ruined soloing in the higher worlds as every mob and boss critical and block every time.

Have to say this time the pandering to the pvp crowd is detrimental to the pve players as myself and several players I play with are very disappointed in changes made.

Mar 19, 2011
Sparck. on Apr 21, 2021 wrote:
The new update is LIVE!

Check out all the new content, including two new Skeleton Key Bosses, and see all of the improvements to existing systems.

Here are the update notes: https://www.wizard101.com/game/community/update-notes/april2021

Let us know what you think of it all in a reply below! Please post a separate post in the appropriate area of the forums if you encounter a bug or other issue we need to take a look at.
Love the new updates! 1 thing I would adjust to the frost giant animation is adding back the Stun Animation. Instead of doing it individually, it should release a frost breath to all enemies who don't block. I loved the frost broth he would do to stun and it would be detrimental to still have it be included. Same freezing breath animation just aoe similar to it's attack.

Apr 10, 2012
I'm thinking you have really messed up the enjoyability of the game. All of a sudden every enemy, not just Bosses like it used to be, critical's almost every time. I can't hit them with a crit anymore because now EVERY enemy is crit blocking. I had my power pip chance good enough that I might get a regular pip once in 3 hours of play. Now I'm getting at least 1 every battle and ended up getting 4 in a row in the same battle. And I had my accuracy high enough that I was never fizzeling. You guessed it, at least once in almost every battle. What was the point of me working on my characters stats for years, if the devs were just going to nerf everything. I do like that AoE's hit everyone at once but on the whole, my First Impression of the update is its absolutely wretched

Apr 20, 2009
I think this is a great start but only a start.

1. Critical Visually this is a great start. Its nice seeing Crit block on me but that same sound should chime on mobs to when they block. I think mobs are crit us way to often and their rate is to high. You are wearing waterworks gear that is supposed to last you a long time yet in Avalon everything is sending out Crits and very little block. You want people to put more into HP/Crit block and its just not there. PVE turning into a mess and I can only imagine how bad it is in late worlds.

2. Social is a great place to look for help but it does not show everyone's exact quest. GREAT START with this but I think this can be expanded into something wonderful. Showing peoples exact storyline quest they are on is key to players hooking up at the right point in the game.

3. AOE man what you did with aoe spells is great. I think there are some more spells that can be sped up but a wonderful start. Side note... love what you did to forest lord... pick up a tree and slap everyone with it.. love it.

4. Damage boost on blades. Interesting how you chose some classes over others on blade upgrade. Already strong storm gets 5% upgrade on blade yet you left Balance alone. Feels like a smack in the face.

5. Pets blade on pets upgrade. I have no problems with this other then the following. When in my deck I can not visually see the difference between my 35% pet blade and 35% gem blade. the only way you can confirm is when the spell is being casted. this is discouraging seeing we like to save the rarer blade for maybe a second bigger hit.

Overall I give this a C- - F but only because of how badly things are right now with pve and critical. Take that away and fix it and I would give it a solid B- with the opportunity to expand and work out more details

Aug 11, 2009
DD1101 said it best:

4. Damage boost on blades. Interesting how you chose some classes over others on blade upgrade. Already strong storm gets 5% upgrade on blade yet you left Balance alone. Feels like a smack in the face.

It's not bad enough that you left Balance school's native blade at 25%, but you also reduced the amount of the treasure card blade to 25% as well. Balance already has a tougher go of things than other schools, and this little slight makes it worse.

It's bad enough that other players view Balance as "blade and trap" dispensers. It's not nice for the dev team to see us the same way.

Oh, and can you PLEASE fix the paths in Fort Rachias, upper tower area? It's bloody annoying to be going from dungeon to dungeon and getting pulled into fights.