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Some wand advice?

Apr 18, 2010
I'm a level 85 Necromancer. I have a level 70 variant of the Kapudan's Boarding Hook, and it's stats are quite good. However, I'm wondering when I should look for a replacement. Both the Tartarus and Darkmoor wands seem quite inferior despite being higher level wands from a dungeon (I understand that my wand is a newer crown one, but still). The improved pierce and critical entice me, but I'm just not sure if it's worth losing 10% damage over.

Sep 05, 2010
You should always go for damage over critical unless the stats you gain from getting a new level wand are so high (Say gaining 150 crit and some other relevant stats like super high pierce and pip conversion) that it's somehow worth 10% damage.

Though IMO pierce and critical isn't worth getting if you have to sacrifice other core stats (Like damage or power pip chance) to get it