Hello everyone I have a storm wizard and she is currently lvl 70 but I find myself not enjoying the school. I mean the spells look so amazing and it's really fast to quest with. But I don't like the play stile, I don't think storm has something really unique like the other schools. I know storm has a lot of damage and critical but it doesn't feel that special. Fire deals damage over time, life can heal them self and others and death steal health from their enemies! I don't feel special when i play storm
That's why I kind of want to delete my storm and make a balance wiz. Balances play stile just look so fun but hard at the same time plus mirage is my favorite world. I also most enjoy playing the spirit schools and idk why but I feel like balance reminds me of the spirit schools.
But everyone I ask think i'm weird because I don't like the storm school so much, they say I need to have a storm and that balance is boring?
So idk what to do I like the storm school it's a great school and I know a lot of people enjoy playing as a storm. But sometimes I just feel like playing as a storm is something I have to do. And I know that if i make a balance wiz then will I miss my storm but at the same time be kind of happy with my new school
Plz tell me your opinion on the schools, do you like balance or storm most and why? I know this is my choice but i think hearing other players opinion will make it easier for me
Retire your Storm and make a Balance if you want to, but to erase 70 levels of work just doesn't make any sense at all.
For the record, I did not much enjoy my Storm through the middle worlds, until I got her to about level 95 and got her into the Khrysalis crafted gear. Having the right gear makes a huge difference. Now she's at level 101 and I enjoy playing her quite a lot.
Well, in the end, it’s all up to you really. If you want to delete your Storm wizard, then it’s your choice, no one is gonna judge you for it. I myself don’t personally like Storm all that much, I don’t like “glass cannon” roles within games generally, I’m more suited towards slower, defense oriented characters, like Ice and my personal favorite school, Death. It’s all a matter of preference. No one is forcing you to play Storm.
If you do wanna make a Balance though, if you have any open wizard slots, make one using that first, don’t immediately delete your Storm. Play through it and see if you really do like it at first. If you have no other slots, then it’s really up to you. I’m not sure if I would personally do that, as level 70 is a pretty high up level and takes up time to get to. I would really consider thinking about it first, but again, it’s all up to you.
Okay, to assist, why don't we discuss the Pros and Cons of each school, maybe that may help you decide:
Damage - Phenomenal Damage; Second to none! As you level especially, with the right gear, you'll be "criticalling" almost every turn; this can be a great deciding factor in how a battle goes.
Spells - As you said, the school's spells do look amazing to the eye.
Solo - At your level and above, again with the right gear, the school becomes easier to solo. Mob battles can take as half the time it would if you were playing say on your new .
Own Heal - The school gets it's own spell (Healing Current) which is better than Pixie (if your critical rating and pip rating are of acceptable standards) relinquishing the need for a Mastery.
Convert - I've this here because does not get it's own convert spell which you will have to learn to deal with. In the case of , you of course won't have to worry to much about facing mobs.
Pierce - Piercing becomes important as enemies find clever ways to fend off your incoming attacks, exceeds in this stat sometimes making shields very ineffective.
Now, onto the not so nice things about the school.
Defenses - Honestly, it's no secret that the school is the weakest when it comes on to defending itself. The school suffers dramatically in health, shields and even resists. That being said, you can easily be wiped out if you're not careful.
Fizzle - As you're aware, the school suffers the most when it comes on to accuracy, but you should also be aware that the gear the school provides easily improves on this.
Just some common facts:
Most common - The school has risen to the most common in the spiral since the introduction on the third arc. Whether you like this or not is up to you.
Purple - The school embodies the color of purple, is this your favorite color? :P
Stereotype - Being a storm, one will always expect you to hit, you're ridiculed if you don't.
Good - The school's Available and Helping Hands are excellent . They're both overtime heals, so obviously it's not wise to use it when you're below 1000 health, instead, you one should consider using the spell when you're at about half. Both spells are great for their pip usage and gaining a critical even makes them more greater!
Excellent Defense - The school has shields for every other school except it's own (which can be mended with 's Tower Shield). This is actually great as you'll notice, especially in Avalon that quite a few bosses posses masteries to other schools other than their own.
Great Support - This is probably the embodiment of . The school is meant for group play (which unfortunately gives rise to another stereotype to the school). You've spells such as Bladestorm which gives all team members a 20% blade for example. Your balance blades and balance traps work quite effectively too!
Alter Dynamic of Battle - Spells such as Supernova (which destroys an enemy's aura for only two pips) and Supernova (which removes pips and deals damage according to the amount removed) are great and unique spells which can alter the dynamic of battle. That's one key thing about the school; it's unpredictability.
Good offense - The school does well offensively. Combined with spells such as 's feint, you can easily dish out acceptable amounts of damage!
High Pip Percentage - For the school to work effectively, you need to place some energy in your Power Pips %. Fortunately for you, the school does just that for you. So, you won't have to worry much about building too much "noob pips."
Multi Solo Hits - Multi Solo Hits such as Hydra and Chimera are excellent spells especially when the enemy used a tower shield. In this case, the first attack will break the shield leaving the enemy vulnerable to the remaining attacks. Quite useful. Just ensure you don't have a weakness though!
Damage - The school does acceptable damage. It's obviously not as high as 's and in such cases may at times require the use of multiple blades and traps to bring out the true effectiveness of it's spells, especially spells such as Hydra.
No Convert - One of the biggest cons to using the school is the fact that it has no convert. So, how will you go up against fellow mobs and bosses (especially since they resist by 80%) and also know elemental and spiritual shield to stop your Hydra, Spectral Blast and Chimera attacks?
Universal Blades and Traps - This is both a good and bad thing. Your charms and wards being universal makes them susceptible to any attacks, including spells such as weakness which is more common on mobs. Note weakness doesn't only have to come in the form of your own school's spell. has plague (which death mobs in Azteca onwards enjoy using), has Efreet etc.
Hence, you'll need to bring Cleanse for this.
Difficult to solo - This depends, the school can be difficult to solo as your AoE's aren't the strongest, neither are your buffs (which again why Feint is so important). This can make battles take a bit longer, especially if you happen to get hit with a variety of weaknesses has small options for removal for.
Stereotype - As a Sorcerer, you're heavily expected to blade your peers. It seems most persons aren't aware that balance is still capable of dealing out large amounts of damage as well.
Patience - This school isn't for the rash or impatient. The school requires patience and time to effectively build up, especially in longer/boss battles.
Charm - The school has a charming aspect to it, just the sound of the casting of the school spell is a bit soothing, except when you fizzle :D
And those are my thoughts on the schools.
I've compared them both for you so you're equipped with more knowledge in deciding.
Both are good schools, just depends on what you're looking for.
I grappled with a similar situation a couple months back. Not that I didn't like the school, I just wasn't feeling successful anymore. I was urged to not give up but I was ready to move on. I retired her. I took some heat for it but why continue with something you're not enjoying, right? My Storm girl still sits in the back of the classroom in your basic robe and hat. As for which school? Try them all!! You have room in that classroom for seven wizards. 6 seated and one standing. The game you play is yours. Do it the way you like. I'm having a great time with my Fire girl. I recently have discovered Henchmen. Since I've learned new ways to fight I'm thinking of bringing my Storm girl out to play again. You're not weird. Each of us has different tastes. Take a break from Storm school. Relax. Start a new wizard and have fun.
If not, then keep the storm for now. You worked hard to get it that far. You may decide to go back to it. Or if not, you can delete it when you are filled up. While your not playing you can use that storm for extra storage space. In the meantime, start a balance wizard and have fun.
If yes, then go ahead and delete it. There is nothing wrong with balance school and if you think you'll have more fun then why should you worry about what others think? Its your time and money so play how you want.
Balance is fun, but its more of a support school, which is why some people think it is boring. There are plenty of us out there who are fans of the balance school. I like storm too, but I probably prefer balance. But its hard to say because I played storm with my sister up to avalon so I don't know what its like to go out there on my own with storm. Whereas with balance I've done both.
I don't PVP, but i do PVE solo a lot, so this is coming from a viewpoint of a solo player I dislike Storm as well, so you're definitely not weird
1. Death : Death is easy mode. Early grind may be a struggle due to low damage *although drain helps*, but as soon as you reach 48 and get Scarecrow, you basically never need to worry about health again.
2. Ice : It just won't die! The only real problem is low damage, but the absurd health and resist more than makes up for it. With the right gear it can even gear up for immunity at higher levels! If you prefer slow play, then Ice is for you.
3. Fire : My school of choice. Fire is an all rounder, having 2nd highest damage overall, and can be surprisingly durable at high levels, something which most Storm players lack. Also, i honestly don't think it has a single bad hit spell.
4. Life : Did somebody order a medic? Because that's Life in a nutshell! Much like Ice, if played right you, *and your team!* will almost never die. Not as useful in solo play, and doesn't get an all hit until 58, but this is a good team play school if anything else.
5. Storm : The glass cannon. I have a bit of a grudge against Storm wizards *stop bombing my solo runs!*, so i was already soured before i even played it. What really killed it for me was the low health.
6. Myth : Since it was the first school i played *and i actually like it!*, it hurts me to put Myth this low. But the thing that kills it is the all-hit neglect. You get Earthquake at 42, but then you have no all-hits until 100. It's a painful grind.
7. Balance : Balance isn't really boring to solo, it's more painfully difficult! It has no prism of it's own and it can't blade stack very well due to the blades going off on anything, it means one well placed weakness can kill your whole hit and you will usually have problems dealing with your own school. Some spells can be used as workarounds, but it's limited. Pick Balance if you want a challenge. Otherwise, tread carefully!
As for keeping or deleting your Storm wiz, at the end of the day it's up to you. I'd suggest making different schooled side characters and going for the one you seem to like the best
I have a 109 balance wizard, and I consider the school an interesting one to play. I like that it’s easy for me to change my play style to fit whatever situation I’m in. Most of the time I’ve found myself soloing, and do alright. Though whenever I’m in a team, I sort of play a few roles at once. I can say I quest at a quick speed, at least quick by my standards. I also have a storm wizard, however she’s level 44 so I don’t really have as much experience with storm as you. So far I find the school fun, and sometimes get on either my storm or ice when I’m feeling like taking a break from balance or high level worlds. A bit of advice though. If you’re not having fun with something, you don’t have to do it! You can always try something new. However, I recommend that unless you’re absolutely fine with losing your progress, you don’t delete your storm wizard. Sometimes after getting bored of a school you’re used to, it’s nice to change things up with another school. And sometimes it makes going back to the first school more fun and refreshing.
I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to switching from storm to balance, except my storm wizard is only level 18. I'm already dishing out crazy amounts of damage with no blades but it's just so....bleh. It doesn't have the same umph that death or ice has, to me at least.
Storm just isn't for everybody, same how the other schools aren't for everybody. For example, I love death because of how it could do almost anything and its drain spells but other people hate it because it has relatively low damage, high cost AOEs and it's awful at max pvp. But hey, I don't mind that at all. The important thing is that you find a school where you don't care about its flaws because it's so gosh darn FUN.
(Bit of a funny story, my ice wizard was questing in Zafaria when a storm offered to help with a battle I was in . I only said yes because I just needed the extras for a collect quest but he immediately assumed it was because I was ice has the lowest damage in the whole game and therefore incapable of one-shotting everything. Gave me a whole speech about how storm waa better for hitting and then fizzled that same round)
But I digress.
If you can do this, make the balance wizard now and play it through maybe Krokotopia so you get a feel for the school and if you like it better, delete the storm wizard.
I wouldn't delete a character unless it was absolutely necessary. I'd be especially hesitant if you are all the way to level 70.
I personally do not care for Storm, because I do not like the personality type of players that it seems to attract (Killers, Achievers) especially in PVP and not that all Storm Wizards are bad- I've just had some negative experiences in the past.
That also being said. Balance is my favorite school. Ice was my first school and it is still very good, but I play probably the most on my Balance Wizard now.
If you have a character slot go ahead and make a balance wizard. However, remember the choice is ultimately up to you and I'm just a random person on the internet so take that for what it's worth.
So if you currently have only made 1 wizard, you can actually have 6 different wizards on the same account (lots of people have these all as different schools). Level 70 is actually quite a lot of work to get to so I personally wouldn't delete it (unless you have all the other character slots full and this is your least fav), if you find that it is for the best to make a balance make sure you TRANSFER ITEMS into the shared bank before you delete the character so that if you decide later on you do want a storm you only have to level them not get as much gear for them
So yea I don't have space to make another character. I don't mind playing through all the worlds again since I've already done that many times, i have a lvl 120 122 80 80 60 and of course my lvl 70 storm
But i have decided to delete my storm, because i like a challenge When I was leveling my life i had a really hard time in worlds like celestia and avalon, but i never gave up on her because i loved the school and the challenge.
This is maybe one of the reasons I dislike storm (It's not a challenge for me) Therefore have I decided to make a balance I really like the idea of mostly supporting people but also hit sometimes, when i was playing on my storm i didn't like the pressure to always hit really hard.
And don't worry Stealthhawk129 I did remember to transfer all of my items into my shared bank. And Star Edward nah purple isn't really my color I'm more of a green, blue, yellow/orange person XD
But again thx you guys so so much for the help, hope you all have a wonderful day
Seriously though, each account holds up to 6 wizards so unless you have filled all 6 slots and want to make a new/different wizard there is no benefit to deleting her and lots of benefits to keeping her.
Here are just a few reasons to keep her even though you may not quest her further:
1. You might change your mind later! 2. She likely has a lot of things on her, some of which may be useful to your new wizard/s. 3. She has energy, hatch timer, crafting timer/s, storage space etc that can be used to support your new wizard. 4. If she has a house you can make extra gardens or use them for storage to support your new wizard. 5. She has access to places your new wizard can't go yet - eg archivist for TC, areas for reagents etc 6. She is high enough level already to farm things quickly - eg gold, drops your new wiz needs/wants 7. You can make her a gardening, fishing or pet training slave haha, extra free energy! 8. If you ever have 6 wizards and want another space you can still delete her then if she's your least favourite.
There are so many other reasons to keep her, but if you still have space to create a new wizard I literally can not see one benefit to deleting her. Once she is gone the clock starts ticking on whether KI will be able to bring her back should you regret it or change your mind. Even if you don't use her for any of the things mentioned, there is no loss by keeping her at the moment. Good luck and have fun with your new wizard!
First off - I won't say never delete a character because I've deleted a level 45 Thaumaturge, I know the deliberation that goes into it. (Questing was going slow and back the Celestia's level requirement was 50. 3 weeks later it was lowered to 45 and guess who about kicked KI for that one? :P)
But seriously, if you're looking for a challenge have you considered changing up your gear or using a subpar pet? Or just going to solo every boss/instance. (Including the cheating ones.)
I've found that most of my fun comes from finding new ways to push my limits and changing up my gear and pets does that. So does soloing bosses. Not going to lie though, that second one is only if you have a lot of patience. It gets tedious.
Even if you've deleted your Storm this can still apply to Balance if you've started on your Sorceror and aren't feeling challenged. Best of luck in your adventures.