Lot's of people have been saying certain schools are overpowered and underpowered even using lies to support themselves [I know for a fact myth is the 3RD STRONGEST SCHOOL!!!!!] here are the schools people call overpowered COMMONLY
Believe it or not death
Balance: judge has to be supremely bladed to be effective
Schools people think to be under powered COMMONLY
Myth [grrr]
life [ apparently to many heals]
Debunk: I am here to prove these schools are not over or under powered
Myth: Myth is the third strongest school, I call it the school of manipulation. A good myth is amazing at pvp because there ability to get rid of blades and shields THAN they can stun with, in my opinion one of the best 9 pip spells basilisk. Side affects: Myth has lower end health and not a HUGE power pip chance [feel free to NICELY ADD]
Life: some Lifes can restore there health with only 4 pips [satyr] they can sufficiently defend there selfs with heals, a nicely bladed up centaur can actually do a lot of damage (':D'); DOWNSIDES: Somewhat lacking strength.
Death: Believe it or not people see death as overpowered PRO'S: A strongly bladed frank or wraith can substantially heal a wizard. Lots of powerpip chance as well, they have a decent amount of health. CONS: Really not to much to complain about except the steal health spells are weak
Storm: Pro's they can substantially boost there strength that is already high, a average attack can do 2000 damage. Recently they are able to take away charms this is a big pro CONS: Low health, accuracy not a substantial problem at level 70 however. They have to attack first or be attacked and inevitably destroyed pretty quickly. Lack of defense.
Balance: PRO'S can heal, decent attack, good health, a good balance has pretty good strength, they can easily shield themselves and have lot's of blades. Can attack with different schools, very versatile CONS low boosting blades lead to weaker attacks, balance is often underestimated by some despite being thought of overpowered [think about it]
FIRE: pro's VERY versatile with damage over time spells they can pack quite a punch with strong spells, They have many many attack all spells [4 or 5 i think] CONS:lower end health, have to play smartly to survive with damage over times.
ICEPRO'S High health, substantial defense, can easily outlast a enemy and eventually overwhelm lower health schools with stuns and various attacks: DOWNSIDE: Ice is, lets face it very physically underwhelming they are not strong enough to face some things on there own but are AMAZING in groups.
Each group has it's chance to shine and are all equal