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Sapphyra's Tower

Jun 19, 2009
Does anyone know how you get into Sapphyra's Tower? I had a quest in there yesterday that seems to have since disappeared and now my brother has the same quest and neither of us can get in. I'm a subscriber, he's not, so I'm not sure what it is but I stood there button mashing "x" trying to get in but people just kept passing me and the sigils never seem to be lit up.

I'd really appreciate some advice seeing as how other people have asked this in-game and there seem to be people even asking online on forums and such.

May 09, 2009
Are you sure you have a task there? It sounds to me like you don't have the quest if the sigils aren't lighting up. Do you have to defeat Foulgaze? If so I would report the bug. You can get in porting to a friend wether you have a subscription or not.

Hope this helped,
Marcus Legendcrafter LVL 29 LIFE storm

Jun 19, 2009
Rho170 wrote:
Are you sure you have a task there? It sounds to me like you don't have the quest if the sigils aren't lighting up. Do you have to defeat Foulgaze? If so I would report the bug. You can get in porting to a friend wether you have a subscription or not.

Hope this helped,
Marcus Legendcrafter LVL 29 LIFE storm

I think it was a glitch because the sigils weren't lit up but some quest, I'm not sure which, most definitely pointed me right straight to that tower. My brother had the same problem, it led him to it but he couldn't get in. Loads and loads of people were standing around confused, I mean it was pure insanity that day. I haven't been back since so I don't know if it's still going on but that day, at least three people were there constantly for several hours. Sometimes, 10+ people were wandering about totally confused.

Dec 24, 2008
Sometimes the Quest Helper can be messed up for some quests. Don't rely on it to heavily.