I've been playing MMOs for a long time and I always make a point to play any game that I allow my children to play. These days, ESRB and MPAA ratings are always in line with my views.
But having said that, there is technological solutions that can be implemented such that unacceptable and harassing/intimidating behavior may be reported. If the report button were apart of the "Options" screen such that it can be accessed at any time during the game, this would be a big step. The button could be as simple as creating a small note icon (time stamped) and made available at a later time for the reporter to complete the form.
I don't know that moderators would be necessary at this time. The chat system is incredibly censored, but people will find a way to express their message. All there needs to be is a chat log that shows specific server related information such as data, time, server, area, and playername/account name. This gives KI enough information that when a report comes along, they review the log to determine the validity of the claim, and if they find a violation, they may take action.
This takes care of verbal harrassment. But there will still be the problem of non-verbal harrassment. I'm not sure how problematic that is. Worst I've seen is someone try to get me KOd by fleeing a fight I'm in.
Ok, I, also, am a kid! And i completely agree! Everyday someone walks up to me and says " Go out with me! " or " X K is x " I am very annoyed! Even though I am a kid, I think there SHOULD be moderators, and I would LOVE to be one! So, kids, ENOUGH DATING STUFF! Please, put in-game moderators! Everyone is tired of "X K is X" etc.! Now, I shall move on to a serious problem, ARENA TRASH TALK! Sheesh hearing " YOU SO Cow K! " or " GO TO : bleep : ! I am not even steppig foot in the arena! Maybe you could put people in the arena, watching them? Idk, but look into this, TY! 8)
KI can NOT babysit these kids either. As to the first poster, girl you be hopping mad if KI had no filters at all. lol these kids are pros at getting around them.
Well thanks. I am a pro and I just wanted to say that I've even seen people teaching other people how to get around filters. One more thing,what do you think we could possibly do? Example, Oh hi Emile lets go on a date by unicorn way I mean come on.
But having said that, there is technological solutions that can be implemented such that unacceptable and harassing/intimidating behavior may be reported. If the report button were apart of the "Options" screen such that it can be accessed at any time during the game, this would be a big step. The button could be as simple as creating a small note icon (time stamped) and made available at a later time for the reporter to complete the form.
There IS a report button and the reporter does state the reason for the report.
However, many 'issues' in this thread aren't reportable offenses; some just want moderators to handle the "not interested" conversation for them.
If you are a parent, it is your responsibility to moderate your child. KI moderators' job is to monitor EULA violations. Anything more than that creates problems, particularly of standards. One parent may not have a problem with "Will you go out with me?", seeing it as harmless pretend dating or whatever. Another parent will disagree. Who's standard does KI support? Neither, since neither are EULA violations. It is the parent's job to enforce whatever standards they see fit.
If a person offends you or your child, handle it. If the offender doesn't respect that, that is what the ignore function is for.
KI can NOT babysit these kids either. As to the first poster, girl you be hopping mad if KI had no filters at all. lol these kids are pros at getting around them.
Well thanks. I am a pro and I just wanted to say that I've even seen people teaching other people how to get around filters. One more thing,what do you think we could possibly do? Example, Oh hi Emile lets go on a date by unicorn way I mean come on.
Funny I don't remember typing this at all. oh i get it it, sorry i remember it eas just the order that confused me.
i have yet to see such verbal abuse happening anywhere. there is still reporting those who do but then that could lead to abusing th report button.
I've tried and I can't report people when I'm in a battle. That is when I have the majority of my problems. But I too have seen people chatting in Ravenwood that they have "lonely singles" parties.
And while I do agree with another poster that parents are ultimately responsible for monitoring their kids, there are limits. If I go to a day spa to relax and a parent arrives with some badly behaved kids, I can't blame the day spa for that. But at some point, the spa would need to step in and take control since it is their property. And if they didn't and spa would be unable to give me the environment I was seeking, I'd most likely turn my attention to another spa that did give me what I wanted.
So far, I've had my game play disrupted so many times and it's a real shame because all of the problems I've been encountering have only seemed to crop up in the last few months. And as it stands right now, I have lost all interest in advancing the storyline, so I've been farming for pets. But even with no friends on my friends list, I still have people teleporting into my instanced battles. I don't know why.
if you know how to do a screen shot and send it to ki there is the proff of the abuse and you can expand your chat box to fit the max of the chat and take the screen shot submit it to ki and to the picture page so the parents can see what is being said. now if you are a tech nic imapired like me i use the date time realm and ask ki to look at my logs and what was going on. I KNOW IT WORKS. i have seen the kids who were being abusive muted afterward. that is how this parent solved the problem
Ok, here is what I just saw happen On Krokotopia I saw a player ask "who is cute?" Another player answered "I am" and was told "No, you are ugly" That player then asked for help and the "ugly" player ran off
If this is kids kidding each other, they need to grow up If this is Wizards idea of using censorship to protect kids, then you are failing.
The canned messages are just annoying. I'd love to have friends of all ages and types. but canned messages mean nothing and they do not protect underagers from hurt. The better thing is to open up the messages and to tell kids this is not a dating pool You won't find a girl friend or a boy friend here and don't bother trying
Other than that, I as an adult, feel obligated to report a lot of players. I didn't join this game to do that.
Irritated and Frustrated I'm not the Mom and it's not my job to watch your children Get off your lazy butts and do your job yourself.
This is not a KI problem. This is a parenting problem, a people being over-sensitive problem, and a I'm looking for anything to complain about problem.
Number 1 you are getting upset at another player for expressing his opinion. He doesn't know what the player on the keyboard looks like, but he does know what his ingame character looks like... For all you know that players ingame character was ugly and for you to get upset over someones opinion over a few pixels on the screen is pretty laughable. Maybe it was a little insensitive, maybe it was a little mean, but do you really think thats anything diffrent than what kids face in real life? This happens at school,church,home,public.. between friends,strangers,siblings,enemies weekly and any kid who isn't sheltered staying at home hidden from the world has encountered it.
KI, should not need to deal with these things, they do because they are a decent company. I think too many people want KI to babysit and parent their kids while they play the game and thats not how this works. They have successfully made a kids game. It is almost impossible to be profane or trade personal information over this game. I personally think most of you just want things to complain about when you have silly arguments.
The only thing I think should be done in this game that is chat related.. is to make arena chat restricted to your team only.. thats it.
The filters in game work great.
You kid is safe in this game.
Those are what KI set out to do and they did a fantastic job.
If the word ugly offends you or you can't take someones opinion on how your ingame character works... Then you aren't prepared for life and have obviously been shuttup indoors sheltered from anything and everything for it. Stop being offended by such trivial things, things that wouldnt even bother a toddler.
I'm done with this topic, but seriously spend less time nitpicking over trivial matters and spend that time being a better parent and teaching your kids whats right and wrong.
Ok, here is what I just saw happen On Krokotopia I saw a player ask "who is cute?" Another player answered "I am" and was told "No, you are ugly" That player then asked for help and the "ugly" player ran off
If this is kids kidding each other, they need to grow up If this is Wizards idea of using censorship to protect kids, then you are failing.
The canned messages are just annoying. I'd love to have friends of all ages and types. but canned messages mean nothing and they do not protect underagers from hurt. The better thing is to open up the messages and to tell kids this is not a dating pool You won't find a girl friend or a boy friend here and don't bother trying
Other than that, I as an adult, feel obligated to report a lot of players. I didn't join this game to do that.
Irritated and Frustrated I'm not the Mom and it's not my job to watch your children Get off your lazy butts and do your job yourself.
This is not a KI problem. This is a parenting problem, a people being over-sensitive problem, and a I'm looking for anything to complain about problem.
Number 1 you are getting upset at another player for expressing his opinion. He doesn't know what the player on the keyboard looks like, but he does know what his ingame character looks like... For all you know that players ingame character was ugly and for you to get upset over someones opinion over a few pixels on the screen is pretty laughable. Maybe it was a little insensitive, maybe it was a little mean, but do you really think thats anything diffrent than what kids face in real life? This happens at school,church,home,public.. between friends,strangers,siblings,enemies weekly and any kid who isn't sheltered staying at home hidden from the world has encountered it.
KI, should not need to deal with these things, they do because they are a decent company. I think too many people want KI to babysit and parent their kids while they play the game and thats not how this works. They have successfully made a kids game. It is almost impossible to be profane or trade personal information over this game. I personally think most of you just want things to complain about when you have silly arguments.
The only thing I think should be done in this game that is chat related.. is to make arena chat restricted to your team only.. thats it.
The filters in game work great.
You kid is safe in this game.
Those are what KI set out to do and they did a fantastic job.
If the word ugly offends you or you can't take someones opinion on how your ingame character works... Then you aren't prepared for life and have obviously been shuttup indoors sheltered from anything and everything for it. Stop being offended by such trivial things, things that wouldnt even bother a toddler.
I'm done with this topic, but seriously spend less time nitpicking over trivial matters and spend that time being a better parent and teaching your kids whats right and wrong.
I couldn't have said it better myself. Its not KI responsibility to watch our kids, its ours ( the parents) to watch. KI has done a great job with the game and world they have created. Stop complaining and enjoy the game.
(There are no filters in real-life face-to-face; do you think all children are always cordial, polite, and above reproach?)
No, I don't think all children are always cordial, polite, and above reproach. Quite the opposite, in fact. I also happen to think that children are more susceptible to hurtful words than most people realize, especially the other children who are saying them. I also think if they are saying them in here, then they are probably saying them in the real world. Might it then be possible if actions are taken here in the game to create consequences for saying hurtful words, their behavior in the real world might change? This, of course, is predicated on the possibility that some children enjoy this game so much that they might be willing to alter their behavior if they were to be deprived of signing on and playing for a day or two as a result of improper behavior.
Yes, KI has done a good job with speech filters, etc., however, I think it is now time for online moderators. Moderators wouldn't need to catch everyone misbehaving. They would only need to catch enough players misbehaving for the word to spread. I doubt it would take very long. <G>
No, I don't think all children are always cordial, polite, and above reproach. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Definitely. I was trying to remember the name of a movie which depicted that; I thought it was called Rapa Nui but I cannot seem to find it. It shows the story of children growing up while shipwrecked on a deserted island.
SkyeMist wrote:
I also happen to think that children are more susceptible to hurtful words than most people realize, especially the other children who are saying them.
Especially if they are sheltered most of the time...so when they are exposed to it, they are more sensitive to it. Rather avoiding the inevitable, I say deal with it, cope with it, master it; own it or be owned by it.
Remember, you want other users to be moderators/chaperons in this game, and I am one of those 'other users'.
SkyeMist wrote:
Might it then be possible if actions are taken here in the game to create consequences for saying hurtful words
Like what consequences? You would disrupt my access to my paid account because your child is overly sensitive?
Using the OP, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"; therefore, "ugly" is an opinion. You want to censor/boot/whatever based on opinions and not on actual standards. Note: I don't disagree that that wasn't nice, but good Heavens, if the girl falls apart over a flippant remark from a stranger in a game, how will she handle rejection in a relationship?
SkyeMist wrote:
Might it then be possible if actions are taken here in the game to create consequences for saying hurtful words, their behavior in the real world might change?
Of course not; I would assert that immorality shows more online because the offenders are hidden behind electronic boxes; offending face-to-face not only takes courage, but has a greater chance for meaningful consequences. (e.g. A punk will be more of a punk online than a punk face-to-face...not much risk of getting one's pie-hole 'adjusted' online.)
SkyeMist wrote:
This, of course, is predicated on the possibility that some children enjoy this game so much that they might be willing to alter their behavior if they were to be deprived of signing on and playing for a day or two as a result of improper behavior.
Again, define 'improper behaviour'.
SkyeMist wrote:
, I think it is now time for online moderators. Moderators wouldn't need to catch everyone misbehaving. They would only need to catch enough players misbehaving for the word to spread. I doubt it would take very long. <G>
This goes back to differing standards. If there were 20 different 'moderators' on, how many different opinions do you think there would be?
Example: My child says something which leads to your child feeling hurt. You object/protest. I say your child owns his own feelings and are his responsibility and if you'd stop sheltering him, he may learn to cope with the general public. Currently, you can report your view to KI and they will handle any breach of AUP (for which this instance, it isn't, and, knowing this, you may not report it). If you were a moderator and I was not, you could use your authority to impose your values/punishment onto others. If I were a moderator, I could do the same thing on the basis that your child is abusing the reporting function. If we were both moderators, then what? (Soccer game parents?....hehe) We would have two strangers punishing each others' children...not a good idea.
I see this as creating new problems without solving anything. We are all moderators (whether in-game or IRL) and if you see someone mistreating someone else, it is your obligation to intervene. You say something to either party or both and/or report it to the authorities (in this case, KI).
I do intervene and I'm usually either ignored or told 'myob", in so many words. <G>
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems the report option only works with friends? I play the game to have fun, not to feel I have to watch out for other people's children. I think that should be KI's job, not mine.
Lol you sound like my mom first person that commented. I dont go to parties that much ( only when i am bored out of my mind and dont feel like doing anything else heehee ) Parties arent that bad though if someone bothers you ignore them its not that hard.
Not that I am one but I like to call myself a moderator. I report people when they should and I don't report as a prank. But I am noticing that I am having to report people more and more as people are getting ruder and people find more ways to get around Wizard 101's dictionary by saying words that when said together sound like a swear.
I'm just saying that people are getting really lose on KI's rules as they know no one bothers to report people much.
Some people report me and I'm not even rude. also some people call me a noob even though I'm playing on my third or fourth character.
How can experienced players be noobs?
Anyway, um I'm annoyed at how rude people are but seem people are nice and willing to help you. I guess you have to be in the mood to help other people. If thier ahead I only help if they with good drops.
I think allot of older MMo players may agree to this.I think it's rude to automatically go up and try to put a player on thier friends list without asking.Granted i do see some ask.Also I still want to see it that if someone is off friend's list they cant port to you.i was in The Labyrinth helping someone and this dude ports in.Neither of us had a clue who he was.he pulled extra on us stayed for 1 fight then ported out.If this isnt rude.I dont know what is.
Rudeness can be taken care of very simply: the ignore button. It is a very helpful feature that is especially nice for wizards who love to say the same message over and over in all caps.
If you are one of the many people annoying us with asking people out and have tower parties READ THIS MESSAGE!
This is not a dating website like E Harminy THIS is a game where people can have fun and make friends and defeat bosses and do quests to become GRANDMASTER, not to become Boyfriend Girlfriend hoping to get married and have loving children.
This is true with tower parties, but on occasion they will ask personal info, and i am pretty sure thats where YOUR learning came from. I think KI should put in-game moderators like a lot of you said. i met an adminstrator once at the Mooshu Arena. at that time it wasnt so annoying with people getting asked out.
I would consider this a notice for the annoying people and the not annoying people a Hail Mary Pass.
GRANDMASTERS. Not all grandmasters but some acts like real jerks. Like in arena battles some grandmasters were being rude to my friends and me. Like calling us “NOOBS" (that word should be taken out) and “Why don't you go back to your PRACTICE arena". I don't know why the act that way but in really getting on my nerves. Some of my friends even get so mad they stop playing. Sad right?
There really should be a restriction on where you can port according to your level. Nothing is worse than having a level 23 wizard port to you or someone nearby while you are fighting in DS. As a life wizard, i find myself healing them more than fighting, or getting hit more when they pull another enemy into the fight.
Also I would like to state. If i have port turned off it is for a reason. Do not keep whispering to me saying, "why can't I port to you" or "Please let me port."
This game is supposed to be for fun. Please to do not ruin it by your constant rudeness towards others.
Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life Hannah Earthbreaker Level 50 balance Hannah Summerglade Level 29 Fire
:-) On a final note. The majority of the Grandmasters I have met are not rude. They are very nice people who will often help when asked politely. This includes me. :-)
I hate it when people say "I need a guy/girl". I get pretty mad. I'm only a teeenager and my mom thinks I shouldn't Wizard101. My mom has a account and doesn't play often. And I play a lot. So one day I was helping my mom quest, then this girl walked up to me and asked if I was single. This is a online game that is ten and up. Do people realize they might be talking to a ten year old.
GRANDMASTERS. Not all grandmasters but some acts like real jerks. Like in arena battles some grandmasters were being rude to my friends and me. Like calling us “NOOBS" (that word should be taken out) and “Why don't you go back to your PRACTICE arena". I don't know why the act that way but in really getting on my nerves. Some of my friends even get so mad they stop playing. Sad right?
I can totally agree with you.Some (not all) of the Grandmasters I have met in the past have been rude to others (and me but its not about me ) They just finished the game so they have nothing better to do but go around making others feel bad about not finishing the game. If they think they're so great, than how come their attitude lacks experience? If they want to hang out in the commons than they should be helping people up not bringing them down.
not to be "rude" if your an adult you are playing a kids game! what do you expect! what do you actually think everyone is gonna have proper manners. Most of the players that swear around the sensors our teens not "kids" you can play a lot of other kids games and find the same results. To all the parents who watch there kids while they play, i dont understand why the need to unless they are in the younger group. If your kid is atleast 10 then they shouldnt need to be watched over every second they play wizard 101. Now to the "dating" issue i can see why parents are worried you shouldnt make a HUGE deal about it. like i said before the most people that "date" are teens, since the younger kids dont even pay attention to it.
I dont know why, but i have NEVER seen anyone ask for a boyfriend, girlfriend, personal information and stuff like that, thought, i once, only once saw a person saying ''Party in Fire Tower''. I also never have seen anything trying to say stuff like ugly or stuff like that.