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Sep 24, 2010
I'm one of the older gamers here, playing (and enjoying) Wizard 101 very much. But I was curious, is there any roleplayers here, if so where are you and where do you hang out? :)

Mie a.k.a. Lenora Hex

Jun 26, 2009
When I try roleplaying I either get ignored or asked if I am ok(Yes I am sane!!!). Being an older MMO player in a game designed for a younger audience I have yet to come across another roleplayer. I don't even try asking anymore. However the game is so fun I overlook this small detail.

Sep 24, 2010
Ah well, its always worth asking. Too bad there isn't any RP here, seems like a game that would lend itself to it pretty well. I may just be IC anyway and if people don't like it, they can ignore me -- And I'll pretend they are the ones who are insane

Thanks for the reply!
-- Lenora Hex

Oct 07, 2009
I look at this topic every so often and wait for more people to repl and noone ever does. when i first started the game i tried to rp but i got replies like Wt* and whats wrong. So i abondonned the idea of using this game to rp and just play it without the IC And OOC limitations. :( If anyone did wan to meet up ingame to rp tell me a time timezone realm and place and i would be there :)