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May 12, 2009
I have noticed that monsters are catorgerized (sp?) by their element and they have corresponding resistances to that element so that by the time you reach DS they are getting upwards of 80% resistance, while on the other hand as players we only get resistances from any items we may have.
Now, picture this, as a student of a particular school, wouldn't we learn about that element and be able to resist? i.e.: Fire school - resist fire spells, Storm - storm, and so on.
Have it at a given progression such as a cumulative 1% per level, or if that is out of porportion then say 1% every 2 levels starting at the even level,
as in: a 1st level Fire student has 0% resist to fire, where a 2nd level has 1%, a 10th has 5%, 20th has 10%.
And if this is too much, then possibly go 1% per 5 levels, although I think the 1% per 2 levels is highly equitable.
That or lower the resistances of the monsters a bit.

Jan 23, 2009
i liked this idea because it seems a bit unfair that the deck is always in favor of the house. The monster in you school always have a huge amount of resistance to your spells but you don't unless you're wearing school friendly gear and that still don't give you nearly enough.

Expecially with Balance. Balance has a bunch of sheilds but unlike normal shields that block 80 percent balance shields only black 50 percent and Balance gear that has any real effect are extrodinarily hard to farm.

Apr 04, 2009
Izzordad wrote:
I have noticed that monsters are catorgerized (sp?) by their element and they have corresponding resistances to that element so that by the time you reach DS they are getting upwards of 80% resistance, while on the other hand as players we only get resistances from any items we may have.
Now, picture this, as a student of a particular school, wouldn't we learn about that element and be able to resist? i.e.: Fire school - resist fire spells, Storm - storm, and so on.
Have it at a given progression such as a cumulative 1% per level, or if that is out of porportion then say 1% every 2 levels starting at the even level,
as in: a 1st level Fire student has 0% resist to fire, where a 2nd level has 1%, a 10th has 5%, 20th has 10%.
And if this is too much, then possibly go 1% per 5 levels, although I think the 1% per 2 levels is highly equitable.
That or lower the resistances of the monsters a bit.

The higher the resistances that a monster has, the higher the corresponding damage boost that the opposing school of magic gets against them. Which, given the fact that our wizards have school based prisms, can be kind of turned to our advantage either way.

Would you really like your Fire Student to take more damage from Ice spells just so you can have a mild resistance to your home school. Personally, I would rather have my restistances come through sheild selection and managing my gear rather than taking on a corresponding weakness to opposing school attacks.

May 12, 2009

The higher the resistances that a monster has, the higher the corresponding damage boost that the opposing school of magic gets against them. Which, given the fact that our wizards have school based prisms, can be kind of turned to our advantage either way.

Would you really like your Fire Student to take more damage from Ice spells just so you can have a mild resistance to your home school. Personally, I would rather have my restistances come through sheild selection and managing my gear rather than taking on a corresponding weakness to opposing school attacks.

Ah this is true, for the most part. But I have been noticing, of late that the Boost vs. opposites, while effective has been much less so, and in some cases the monsters didn't seem more vulnerable to the opposite school, i.e. doing regular not boosted damage, which as a whole just makes one have to step back and think a bit, re-plan any strategies you might have had.
True I use shields probably way more than I should, making battles longer I will even re-tool my deck and switch out wands before each instance fight, which I believe causes me to loose the initiative 9 times out of 10, but I still do this so that I have a better chance to succeed (generally I am alone, since I play mostly very late or very early depending on your point of view).
So, I am just wishing for a bit of..... oh I dunno..... justice? nah, equality? possibly, less fear factor? oh yeah that(especially when i cringe to see 3 fire monsters vs. me). Not sure what I want. Just an idea in practicality i suppose.

So, and this is just my opinion here, I think maybe KI should possibly investigate the idea of adding school resistances to the PC's

Dec 20, 2008
Maybe the monsters do wear school specific gear to get a resistance to their school. We get a resistance if we wear ours maybe their doing the same. I play a life wizard. Do balance monsters resist balance spells?
Thanks, Kieran

Jan 23, 2009
Yes Balance monsters do have resistance it nearly cuts the damage in half. This is why we have Hydra, which is a elemental spell but it takes a lot of pips and boosting to make them effective.