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Replying to "Can I be a game developer?"

Aug 29, 2009
After reading this post by Professor Greyrose, It got me to thinking.

Professor Greyrose, you say a good place to start is Python and Scratch.

However, your game is written in C++. (I can see the .cpp patch files loading on startup)

I'm sure the post was meant for beginners, but I would like to see a post meant for serious people.

Personally, I go to a 4-year University, studying computer science and I am in my Junior year. I have had lots of experience with programming for real applications through internships. The main language we program in is python, and a little javascript (I'm still learning that).

However, I have also taken courses in C++, Java, and the Mips32 chip assembly language (lol). I have a good amount of exposure and experience with C++ and was wondering if you could tell me what would be a great next step if I seriously want to become a game developer (maybe even for Kingsisle).

I would appreciate a response from Professor Greyrose.
