Well, it's nice to see how Wizard101 admits after the fact that they made a mistake in the Knight's Lore pack and what they will do to remedy it. Just one more reason for me not to spend my cash on crowns. I shudder to think that if I had spent as much as a lot of other people did to try and get a certain spell, then $50-$100 later learn that the company made a mistake, I think I'd be pretty well ticked off. I'm pretty disappointed that they made no apologies for all the 'garbage' they included in these packs as well, as they truly were filled with a lot of useless 'trash'.
How many threads where people posted, saying the spell is ultra rare and shouldn't be easy to get. I really get annoyed seeing people post things like that when in all honesty, they don't know the real reason for it. I don't think any virtual item or spell is worth more than $5 at best, yet KI makes a killing at charging $20 for mounts, and people paying tons of real money to purchase packs in 'hopes' of getting something they are not guaranteed to get, yet filling those packs with so much garbage, it's ridiculous. As a parent/grandparent, I find this to be ludicrous and I am very disappointed in KI's scruples or moral values, especially since many of those purchasing these items are children who don't realize what a waste of money it is.
The one consolation, seeing that KI is willing to admit to their mistake, and I give them kudos for that at least. I'm just thankful that this 'costly' mistake of theirs had no effect on me, but I sympathize with those it did affect.
I see that there is a new snack vendor but only available to those who pvp or run the derby, and this is very disappointing to me as well. I don't pvp, period, and I don't run the derby, period. So it looks like those of us who 'choose' not to participate in these two activities are penalized for our 'choice' in what areas of the game we wish to participate in.
I, for one, would like a vendor with better snacks for training my pets from adult to ancient and ancient to epic, and now from ancient to mega. I refuse, however, to participate in areas of the game in which I don't participate in at all, just to have access to these better snacks. It isn't worth it to me, and never will be.
KI, not everyone likes to pvp and not everyone likes to run the derby, so please reconsider limiting things like the snacks to only those who do participate in those activities, as it really isn't fair to those of us who prefer to stay away from those activities.
(Don't even mention to me the mega snack packs because I refuse to spend that much on a pack that contains only 7 cards. Lower the price to the same price as your other packs, 399 crowns, and then I might consider purchasing them.)