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Pls stop nerfing the death school

Jun 10, 2016
Why with any update death school its always nerfed and made weaker and weaker?first the shadow spell and now the blades plus the healing one...why we are the most weak school with last updates and why you just dont delete it and make it gone instead nerfing it with any updates?I spent years and a lot of money to make my death wizard to be almost perfect and now with any update I see how I lose all my hard work.I dont have another max wizards and honestly I am not big fan of other schools and thats the reason I worked very hard for my death wizard which I see it destroyed with any new update...life school should be much stronger in damage than death?pls let death school alone for a while if you cant do some improvements because its not fair and I am honestly sick to play more and more with any new update.

Sep 19, 2013
Death is literally getting a damage bubble AND a trainable red ghost. I'll take losing 5% on a blade if it means I get an actual global spell. Sacrifice and dark pact are also getting major buffs in that they will deal moon damage and therefore not use deathblades. I honestly can't imagine how you can look at all the goodies death is getting and somehow focus on a tiny change to a blade.