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Please let us buy card bundles not at GameStop?

Mar 19, 2020
Hi! I'm new to Wizard101, and I hope this topic is appropriate for the board. (I was advised to post here by support.)

I wanted to buy the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle but it is only available at GameStop. GameStop is a company with a bad reputation for treatment of their employees, most recently by forcing employees to work even after non-essential businesses were told by local governments to close for quarantine safety concerns, and by promising their employees cleaning and safety supplies that they never delivered.

I'd rather not support a business like that so I won't buy it from them. But I'd still love to buy bundles, either direct from you, or from some of your other retailers like Best Buy. Please give me a way to do so?

May 11, 2013
FumbledAgain on Mar 24, 2020 wrote:
Hi! I'm new to Wizard101, and I hope this topic is appropriate for the board. (I was advised to post here by support.)

I wanted to buy the Fantastic Fairytale Bundle but it is only available at GameStop. GameStop is a company with a bad reputation for treatment of their employees, most recently by forcing employees to work even after non-essential businesses were told by local governments to close for quarantine safety concerns, and by promising their employees cleaning and safety supplies that they never delivered.

I'd rather not support a business like that so I won't buy it from them. But I'd still love to buy bundles, either direct from you, or from some of your other retailers like Best Buy. Please give me a way to do so?
Cool to know but there are gamestops that are happy to contradict you.

Mar 19, 2020
@RedDragon877 There may well be, but I've personally seen the impacts, and have friends who have worked there who can confirm it. GameStop recently had a conference call in which quite a bit of this was laid bare. You are welcome to search YouTube for it if you'd like to learn more. That said, this isn't intended to be a GameStop-bashing post. Rather, it's intended to be a "Let me support you, Wizard101, but please don't make me shop at this one specific store I dislike to do it!" request. :-)

Mar 16, 2012
You can buy bundles on line direct from KingsIsle, if this is a newer release you will have wait until KI withdraws the bundle from GameStop and brings it to their on line shop.

Aug 03, 2016
I thought Game Stop stores had shut down during this quarantine time?

I got a Game Stop gift card as a gift last year and do'nt know what to buy with it?

I thought something similar while looking at the entry page here today.

With all the quarantine and lock down, people are bored, and can't get out or the game stores are closed.

So why not offer a digital version of all the game packs and game items that are normally only sold on disc? Just for the next six months or so, at least.

Some cities are saying their (city-wide) lock downs will last for months.