Could someone please explain the pierce stats to me? From everything I can gather it is supposed to make your spells do more damage, but every single time, on every single spell, on every single enemy, when I pierce I do less damage. At least 50 points less damage on the Pierced enemy than the normal enemy. Why does this happen? Can anyone explain?
Could someone please explain the pierce stats to me? From everything I can gather it is supposed to make your spells do more damage, but every single time, on every single spell, on every single enemy, when I pierce I do less damage. At least 50 points less damage on the Pierced enemy than the normal enemy. Why does this happen? Can anyone explain?
Armor Pierce does not make your spells do more damage.
Armor Pierce allows you to do more damage than you would have if you casted the same spell against a resisted enemy without pierce added.
King is right. Pierce only affects resistance and shields. Think of it like this:
Let's say you have to climb 20 stairs. Now lets look at it in two ways:
Way one we will call raising your attack boost and Way two we will call armor pierce/less stairs to climb route.
Way one, you build muscle so you can climb the 20 stairs easier. But this does not change that you still have 20 stairs to climb, you are just beefing up to put up more of a fight to make the climb.
But in way two, with armor pierce, you are reducing your climb to only 5 stairs. So now you only have to walk up 5 stairs to reach the next floor because armor pierce took away 15 stairs.
Pierce takes something away from resist, while attack boost only gives more power to push through all of the resist. So while in way one you are only matching muscle with um...resist, in way two, you are taking away from resist without building your muscle.