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Our Wizard and Earth

Jan 07, 2013
I'm returning to the game to catch up on the latest arc. In the questline leading up to Empyrea Part II it's touched on again that we're from Earth and not the Spiral. I know some players headcanon that they're from some part of the Spiral, but the game has set that we aren't. I wonder what everyone else's thoughts are on this?
I haven't played anything from Karamelle onward yet and I don't know the story, but if the rest of the story so far doesn't involve Earth or our origins, I'd rather just believe my Wizard DID come from somewhere in the Spiral. Otherwise, why would they necessarily care what happens to it? If the villains got their way and the Spiral was destroyed, would our Wizard just go back to Earth? Can we even go back to Earth? Is Earth in modern times or some other age?
There are so many questions regarding Earth and how our Wizard's coming from it affects our interactions in the Spiral that I'd rather just not think about it. But what do you think? Do you like our Wizard being from Earth? Do you have a different origin for your Wizard?

Jack Ghosthaven 129