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Not lots of balance students

Jun 16, 2009
Hi guys I am balance and this is kinda weird, Theres not lots of balance students, And I am wondering why, Is it because of the color? Is it because its in krokotopia? Is it because some people THINK it doesnt give alot of health? Well I want to know, Post it to know it!


-If the balance is standing, it is victory-

Feb 10, 2009
I don't know where you're questing cause I see loads of balance people. Sometimes there'll be 2 or 3 others standing outside of dungeons cause they get left behind. (I am balance as well)

Mar 27, 2011
heh, the problem with balance school is that many people think it is only there to help others - so little selfish kids dont want to play it, thinking "i want to kill, not use my pips so that others do it".

Its about the same problem as life, that is mostly centered on healing than attacking.

Practically this is a falste statement, as balance can just self buff and become more devastating than any other school (except peraphs storm, but we got better precision and more HP), but of course, we dont have 35% or 45% single blades for balance, we have to cope with the 25 or 30% ones, or use the elemental ones, and that makes us look weaker.
At the same time, without a balance to help them, those other schools will not get all the blades that we have. So in short, everyone want a balance in their team, but very few want to be that one balance

Jun 13, 2010
What are you talking about? Balance must be in the top 3 or 4 most played schools.

A+ Student
Dec 11, 2010
codastar wrote:
Hi guys I am balance and this is kinda weird, Theres not lots of balance students, And I am wondering why, Is it because of the color? Is it because its in krokotopia? Is it because some people THINK it doesnt give alot of health? Well I want to know, Post it to know it!


-If the balance is standing, it is victory-

its because people complain about the judgement spell
and they call all balance wizards noobs or cheaters
that makes the balance wizard feel bad and then less balance wizards come because they dont want to get hurt by others

Feb 09, 2009
Sorry if this seems rude, but why does it matter? I see a lot of Sorcerers in my travels around the Spiral, so maybe you're not looking hard enough, but what if they're weren't a lot of Sorcerers? That just makes you more unique, doesn't it?

Jun 13, 2011
I'm a balance student and i have a lot of friends who are also. I think there is not so many of us because (what i have heard from others) it is kind of a weak school, but i am proud to be a balance student.

Jun 08, 2011
I have an ice/life wizard that was lv 38 but wanted to try something else so started an balance/myth wizard. So far I'm lv 18 and really enjoying the more offensive balance. I haven't seen anything wrong with balance; like the defense spells that have 50% that cover all classes, the elemental trap spell probally won't use since i lack those spells, getting a attack all and minion way earlier then ice is helping. So far I like balance, a nice solid jack-of-all-trades type class.

May 13, 2011
same reason as myth: needs stragetizing. balance is hard to control with all those buffs but in return, makes a great group player. wonder how many people who might want me in waterworks when i turn legendary. like you said, not many sorcerers around

Feb 07, 2011
I'm a Balance wiz, too, and you're right- there don't seem to be very many around. Aside from myself, I know only 2 other sorcerers who are over level 45; maybe this is because most people would rather play an attack-based school, like Death or Storm, or because Balance is fairly-weak on its own. But don't worry- not all is lost.

Once you get to Grandmaster (50+, I think), things get better. For one, you'll get new gear that has much-better stats- my Waterworks outfit is awesome, with some sweet resistence and attack/critical boosts. As well, you'll get out of DS and into CL, where non-Balance bosses will not spam you with Weakness, learn a much-better healing spell, and get some cool, new pets.

Someone made a comment about giving pips to other players as well... I like to solo, so I don't really keep any Donate Power or Power Play cards in my deck (they're completely useless, if I'm travelling alone). However, I will pad my deck with them if I'm in a dungeon with a group (Waterworks, Briskbreeze); if I know that a friend is dying to cast Forest Lord, I'll give him my pips to make it happen faster- my power-pip chance is only 80 percent, but I can always get more. The only rip-off is that I have to use 3 pips to give 2 to someone else... why can't they get all 3? Where does the third one go? This could be a different topic altogether...

Point is, don't give up. Getting a Balance wiz to legendary is beyond tedious, but you can do it with the right amounts of effort and encouragement... if you're having trouble, look me up (I'll be on the Lincoln server, or Wraith, if that's full, when I get back from my holiday- no game access out here). Unless I'm in a dungeon, I'll gladly help.

Happy travels,

Laura Shadowsong
Master of Balance

May 31, 2011
Strange, I see lots of balance wizards when I play and I play with more than one wizard so I am all the different worlds.

I have no idea why you do not see many of them.

Sep 19, 2009
Jul 17, 2009
Next to my storm wizard balance is my second favorite school to play. I love it. I never had to think much about strategy on the storm....just try to stay alive long enough for that hit lol. With the balance you have to think ahead and plan.

I've seen many balance in all worlds of the spiral.

Jan 28, 2009
Hi all,

Yeah Balance gets a Rap as a support school which it can be just as ice gets a rap as a tank school.

Balance can be healer, tank, damage dealer. we party blade, and blades to boost other schools and we have heal over time spells which are great and avg 3k+ life at lvl 60.

Strongest spell Judgement which some whine about not sure why no different that tempest or any other X dmg times pip spell.

But Jokes on them Balance is the most self sufficient school we can Protect and heal ourselves while we damage a our foe's, no 2 round 1 shot kills but we have the means to stay alive where others dont.

So its all about trade off what type of wizard do you want to be.

You chose Balance i say you made the best choice there is not a Boss in this game i cannot solo on my lvl 60 balance wizard. So if i'm not in mood to help/play with others I dont have too other schools dont really have that luxury without alot of failing/deaths.

I farm winter tusks Bosses alot for gold easy 100k+ for a hours work if you see me there and need gold feel free to join me.

Valkoor Hexwielder lvl 60 Balance

Aug 21, 2009
balance plays a bit weak on damage at the moment, its not far off but of my legendaries of which play about even with each other balance is currently the weakest

Sep 08, 2008
I thought about Balance, I do like how they have a certain amount of "exoticness" to their name.

However, Balance only has attacks that take advantage of the elemental schools. Meaning, facing against other balance mobs, which love putting up the elemental shields, Elemental attacks have a hard time hitting at full power.

And against balance mobs, the only attack outside the elemental schools are balance attacks, which easily get resisted.

I can see balance wizards having an incredibly hard time against balance mobs, and much more so against bosses.

Mar 21, 2009
Im level 60 Balance wizard.Really how I think of balance is equility.Sure there may not be alot of balance students but,That doesnt mean balance isnt special!Its a part of everything for example(Plants need warmth(fire) to grow,They also need rain(Storm),They need soil(Life),They dont need too much of it(Death),Some things about may not be true(Myth),There maybe somethings different bout them like some do not too much sun(Ice),But all of them are equal(Balance).)I think i made my point.
-Sarah SeaBloom Level 60 balance wizard "If you lie and wait you soon will defeat your enemy"

Sep 10, 2010
When I first started playing I started out with balance. I actually thought balance was hard until I hit GM with him and then tried other schools. Sure most other schools hit harder and have some better spells, but Balance is the only school that can defend itself without needing others to shield (from all schools) them or heal them.

As for why there seems to not be a lot, who knows. Not all will stick with the school colors on their outfits so visually you wont see them all. It can be a hit or miss. One day you'll see one or two and the next you'll see a dozen. I just don't see most people finding balance that attractive. Sad really. Balance can really solo most of the entire game up to GM. I say most, not all. But get a Balance school student together with another school in a really tough battle and you'll see them do some amazing things. A Balance student and a Death student can do some hardcore damage. Same goes for Balance and any other school. Balance is the only one who can enhance another schools damages with multiple spells (except Death I think).

Take a Balance student with death spells up to Feint and put them together with a death student.....just plain wicked . This is what I think is the main reason is for most not going with balance. They want to do the damage, not help others do the main damage.

Mar 27, 2011
Garum wrote:
Balance can really solo most of the entire game up to GM. I say most, not all.

This balance here soloed the whole game except helephant tower..
(and laugh at those saying "impossible alone" in WW )

Richard drakehearth
balance 60 (and nothing else )

Aug 30, 2011
elvinlith wrote:
heh, the problem with balance school is that many people think it is only there to help others - so little selfish kids dont want to play it, thinking "i want to kill, not use my pips so that others do it".

Its about the same problem as life, that is mostly centered on healing than attacking.

Practically this is a falste statement, as balance can just self buff and become more devastating than any other school (except peraphs storm, but we got better precision and more HP), but of course, we dont have 35% or 45% single blades for balance, we have to cope with the 25 or 30% ones, or use the elemental ones, and that makes us look weaker.
At the same time, without a balance to help them, those other schools will not get all the blades that we have. So in short, everyone want a balance in their team, but very few want to be that one balance

I don't think a lot of little kids will think that I don't
Balance isn't just for buffing up, it has its own attacks too (Judgement) that'll wipeout the opponent too. If you're wondering why there isn't a lot of little selfish kids as storm wizards is because they'll flat be knocked out dead because of their low health if they don't care about shielding, so they'll be thinking, "I want to kill them in one shot, but I'll be dead by then!".

Jul 24, 2011
We started out as Balance, and got up to level 35. We were itching for more powerful spells and started over with Storm. It was only after this that I learned that Storm wizards, in addition to having only 70% accuracy, also have the least amount of health. Although discouraged by this news, we kept leveling him, and he's already surpassed our Balance Wizard. In about 2 weeks, we got him up to level 35, and he is currently at level 37 about to be 38 (Triton here we come).

I like Balance, but the play style isn't for me. Perhaps after we max out the Storm Wizard, we'll play Balance some more.

May 13, 2011
Ayahc20 wrote:

Strongest spell Judgement which some whine about not sure why no different that tempest or any other X dmg times pip spell.

cause judge instantly hits 100 damage to 1 player per pip. its not a DOT spell or hits all for weaker damage, and when used by high level sorcerers, it hits harder than expected, which makes others think its cheating

Mar 11, 2010
Now who ever said that? You did. lol. Anyways, probably because it may be the most predictable school.

Blake D. - lvl 60 Balance