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No trade/ auction polymorphs

Feb 15, 2009
I don't think it's very fair to the higher level wizards to not have a way besides using or deleting these polymorph treasure cards. Here's what I think they should had done with it. They should had made it to match your level, there would be a limit on it of course, the max limit would be as they are now, but say a level 10 used a storm cat polymorph, they would have no critical hit rating and their best attack would be storm shark a and that thing that hits like 320 points and puts a trap, their spells would be the small hit & trap spell, stormblade, storm trap, and storm shark and the health would be lessened as well to say about 800. With a treant polymorph you'd start out with say 1000 health, and have fairies and unicorns and sprite and such instead of dryads regenerates and satyrs. Also the swipe is fine but would need to take stomp out until a higher level cause of the sanctuary bonus, not sure if they would get to have guidance and guiding light, not to threatning. Gobbler spells are fine except would need to lose steal ward tower shield and gobble and have health lowered to say 1500, maybe lower and have a bit less resist to, so whats everyone else think?