ok so i ported to a friend of mine at someone house and i saw a girl with a pet that sort of looked like unicorn body but black and red called a Night Mare. where do i get one, or was it just a glitch?
i saw te nightmare for fist time last night then later a wizard in th grotto talked about it, i naturally went back to my various homes to get a unicorn - finished getting it to adult (had not bothered once i realized they didnt mix), grabbed my school elephant and started hatching - i hatched with 4 of maine as single hatch - only unicorns back - then tried twice between the accounts- got unicorn back or elephant (depending on which parent the wizard had) - so far 6 hatches and i have 6 new unicorns and 2 new elephants LOL BUT it is so cheap , less than 18k gold , i will try again as soon as the 24 hr wait time is over. Just have to keep moving the pets around LOL
But part of my fun is hatching - crafting is a bore -lol- i have plenty who have done the crafting so i'm not just shirking,
ok pet pavilion again tonight- then earn money again LOL
since i last wrote i hatched - twice in a row (try number 8 & 9),using the same unicorn/elephant (different wizards), next day I trained a Mare to adult, then started hatching again, i used both my turtle and my elephant- i now have several Mares on each account.
cost - unicorn/elephant hatch is under 18 thousand, BUT once you have the MAre it is about 33-40+ thousand depending on what is being used When i hatched Mare with someone who had a starfish? lol i got startfish instead- not sure about him but i think he got the fish again (so many people in the pavilion was hard to talk)
Next I hatched Mare with a buddy and his turle- i got Mare but he got turtle- so NO gaurantees . I guess maybe best t stay with a elephant with the Mare? we'll try again tonight
Also I finally saw an egg pet, egg wit duck feet-- ok help me out- didnt there use to be a cartoon out with a character that was an egg with duck feet? LOL
ok , I still want to know how someone knew to try for the nighmare or egg in the first place, I never a message or alert I Think it is great cause it gives people who will be frever working to level 48 pet to be able to mix, now high levels will look for them
ok hang in there and keep trying, i have a small herd on each account now lol
Nightmare is a mix of Helephant and Unicorn. It cost around 58000.
The cost is relative to the pedigree, I believe.
I hatched my adult unicorn with a random adult helephant at the hatchery - cost me about $18,000 gold. The result was a Nightmare with a pedigree 44.
This adult Nightmare (44) I hatched with a friend's ancient SeaDragon (72) - cost me about $35,000. The result was a Nightmare (60) for me and a Nightmare for him (mid 60s.)
This ancient Nightmare (60) I hatched with another friend's epic SeaDragon (72) - cost me closer to $40,000. The result was a Nightmare (64) for me and a Nightmare for him (high 60s).