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New Game-Play Idea!

Dec 25, 2010
So, I've wanted this for a while now! Could there be a time or event or place or something in the game that allows us to fight the Professors of Ravenwood to prove to them that they trained us well ALL IN ALL? I know at like lvl 15 or something on my Myth Girl, I had to fight Professor Cyrus Drake but that was nothing... I was thinking, at the end of the game or right before they graduate or something... The witches and wizards of Ravenwood could duel EACH Professor no matter what school...Too prove to them they taught them (the student) well! (I personally just want to fight Professor Drake to, 1, knock his stuck up self down a notch or two, and 2, show him that just because I came from a muggle world (Or whatever Merle said at the beginning of the game), doesn't mean I'm not smart enough to learn magic. He was very skeptic of my witch in the beginning). Does anyone else think this would be a fun event or game play idea???? I really want to fight against the professors to prove my strength and their teachings... The Teleboxes are fun but you fight WITH them...How about we test our knowledge from them and FIGHT them? Duel them?! I hope people and KingsIsle agree to this... I really want this to happen in the game lol!

~Kayla Griffin, Lvl 118 ~Esmee Deathblood, Lvl 42 ~Jacqueline Lifefriend, Lvl 42 ~Isabella Fairytail, Lvl 35 ~Kayla Griffin, Lvl 35