just because it's put in your QL as a reminder (once you get the task) doesnt make it any easier to finish, it just lets you know what you're working on. Do the fishing quests being put in the book make it easier? the zeke quests? etc?
look at video or look at guild or go on to fansite!
I agree. I think the difficulty of these quests is finding them. However, that said, I think that's about as difficult as they should be. I like how they are now. There is enough stuff in the game that takes a well oiled team of four to get thru. Its time for some light, easy, quick, soloable, fun stuff to do for a change. I think the rewards are perfect for the difficulty involved. I personally, don't want to see anything change with the exception of maybe a way to have these quests on our books somehow.
wouldn't matter (kingsisle add trick to is sleeve) he could possible make one of your NPC Quest World force to buy item in the crown shop for them want they need to get pass quest!
I highly suggest that you speed daily assignments up for test realm. Make them reset hourly for more efficient testing, but have it still be daily once it goes live.
wouldn't matter (kingsisle add trick to is sleeve) he could possible make one of your NPC Quest World force to buy item in the crown shop for them want they need to get pass quest!
Where on earth did THAT come from? That's an unnecessarily negative comment towards KI that has no bearing on the current conversation, I hope you understand that.
You are on Test Realm, not in the Live Game, correct? What level is your Wizard?
Level 67 so I don't think that's the problem. Also, even on days when Test Realm has been open, I haven't been able to get on it, I've looked through the servers and it hasn't been there...
Level 67 so I don't think that's the problem. Also, even on days when Test Realm has been open, I haven't been able to get on it, I've looked through the servers and it hasn't been there...
Test Realm isn't a server in the live version of Wizard101. It is an entirely separate version of the game that you must download and install. You can learn more about it here:
I agree that it would be nice to be able to have it in the Quest book or even better it's own bubble as someone suggested. In the mean time, I just say it to myself out loud when I go looking for it. (i.e. type in chat) That might be a temporary fix for now.
On a side note, I like to look at the doodles that are on the maps and whatnot (and excellent job KI on the new doodles when you are talking to teachers like in the Arcanum those are cool.) Why however the picture of the wizards and gobblers giving stuff to their grandmas at the bottom of the Daily Assignments Reward chart? What does that have to do with the Gravelum Order?