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New Death Troll Spell Animation

Dec 20, 2008
Recently, the tc and item card Death Troll had a new spell animation added because the old animation wasn't working. Now, it looks similar to the new spell animation of Troll. If you'd like to check it out, here's a video: https://youtu.be/z9Mbl69NAZ4. If you'd like to compare versions of the animation, Wizard101 Central still has the old animation: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/TreasureCard:Death_Troll#axzz6aLIComXA. What do you all think of it? Is it better or worse?

Also, if you are curious to see the glitched animation, here's where it was talked about on the message boards: https://www.wizard101.com/forum/halstons-laboratory/death-troll-treasure-card-animation-glitch-8ad6a42772e5614401731ced043c0a96/8ad6a42772e5614401731ced04400a97?fromSearchResult=true#8ad6a42772e5614401731ced04400a97

Feb 12, 2015
This is the most interesting post I've seen here in a while. My respect for the original thought.

I have examined both of the animations in the links you provided (Thanks for them), and my council of brain cells agrees unanimously that the new animation is superior. There is a visual glitch in the video, but I dismiss that as nothing more then the crate collectable in the background being greedy for the camera.