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New Cyrus Drake Quest

Feb 26, 2012
If an administrator could answer this I would be happy, my friend and I are having a disaggrement on why there is a exlamation point over cyrus's head instead of a question mark. She says that it is a glitch and that it should be a question mark I am saying that it is fine and is supposed to be a exlamation point, please answer this question for us.

~John Dragoncatcher Archmage Sorcerer~


Yellow Exclamation Point – This character has a quest available for you. Walk up to them and press “X,” or left click to talk and receive your instructions.
Gray Question Mark – You are currently working on a quest for this character. The quest will appear in your quest log, which you can access through the menu, or by pushing ‘Q’. The box in your log tells you where to go to complete the task, what your task is, the rewards for completing the quest, and tracks your progression.
Yellow Question Mark – You have completed the quest for this character and simply need to talk to them to finish it and receive your reward.

Feb 26, 2012
Thank you proffesor, my friend thought it had to be story line for it to be question mark HA

~John Dragoncatcher Archmage Sorcerer~