I am not seeing how Myth prism treasure cards exist. i know no boss that drops them yet they are at the bazaar some how... does anyone know how to get them? Because they would surely come in handy for myth enemies...
They come from the eye of bartelby treasure card pack and i think the marvelous minions. I personally think wizards should be able to craft prism cards. They are great to keep in deck for when your own prism isn't showing. On my myth wizard, I often use a prism to protect the traps I placed from the first hit of minotaur or Orthrus.
Hannah Lifebringer Level 50 Life Hannah Legendstalker Level 50 Myth
I know the majority of those types of cards you see in the Bazaar, people get them from buying booster packs that the Crown shop carries. Sometimes you get a couple of rare cards from them booster packs, but unfortunly most of the cards are useless, so people just sell them to the Bazaar for a few coin.