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My idea for simplifying the critical/block system

Mar 19, 2011
Is that your critical level affects NOTHING but how frequently your spell goes critical.

Your block level affects NOTHING but how frequently you will block a critical hit.

The ratio between a hitter's critical level and the blocker's block level would have nothing to do with whether or not a critical hit is blocked.


What you've described is how the new system works. If wording it this way helps you and others to better understand the system, that's great!

Further explanation of the changes can be found in the update notes.


Sep 07, 2011
Liam Swiftwalker on Nov 19, 2015 wrote:
Is that your critical level affects NOTHING but how frequently your spell goes critical.

Your block level affects NOTHING but how frequently you will block a critical hit.

The ratio between a hitter's critical level and the blocker's block level would have nothing to do with whether or not a critical hit is blocked.
That's simple, but not a good idea, which is why it wasn't done that way originally, and why changing it to that now is a mistake.

With a system based on ratio, any game balance is possible at any level, depending on how much block and crit the designers give gear and creatures. More crit % favours offence, more block favours defense, but no one can be immune to crit, or land crits all the time (against opponents with block), so the old system was fair, and could be expanded forever. Even having both crit and block over 100% didn't break the game, since what mattered was relative value.

Under the new system (which is basically what you've suggested) at 100% block players are immune to critical, so the whole system becomes pointless. That means there's little room to increase block.

For every complex problem there's simple and obvious solution. Usually it's wrong.

May 09, 2009
yup the new system don't work .
for example explain why 192 points is 1% and 234 points is 27% don't make any sense
and showing us the link for the update very nice but don't explain nothing how the new system works

Aug 12, 2011
gameboy97 on Nov 20, 2015 wrote:
yup the new system don't work .
for example explain why 192 points is 1% and 234 points is 27% don't make any sense
and showing us the link for the update very nice but don't explain nothing how the new system works
233 is 1% chance of critical actually

May 02, 2009
Actually, under the old system you could achieve the ability to block every critical as long as your block percentage was higher than your opponents critical percentage. Duelist101 did a few guides on how the old system worked and they look correct to me. Of course, if I'm wrong, please correct me.