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My guide to spending training points

Aug 01, 2014
Storm, Fire: Try staying away from spending training points here. There isn't anything useful if you aren't already one of these schools or have a mastery for them.

Balance, Myth: Very situational to spend points in. Myth has earthquake, and balance has weakness. I would not recommend spending points here.

Ice, Death, Life: Highly recommended. Ice can go up to tower shield, death can go up to feint, and life can go up to satyr. All of them are very useful spells you can use throughout the entire game.

Moon: Don't spend points here, this school is only used as a joke. If you want to polymorph, buy treasure cards instead.

Sun: Very useful, getting accuracy boosts are not recommended. You should only buy damage boosts.

Star: Very recommended. Invest in Fortify and Amplify. I personally stay away from the level 54 - 58 ones. Depends on your school though.

If you wish to get two secondary schools, you should complete zeke quests for extra points to stay up for astral and shadow spells

What I recommend on your school:

Train up to Feint: Satyr optional: Ice has the lowest damage. They need feint to deal extra damage. Satyr is optional, as it is very easy to survive with tower shield spam.

Train up to tower shield (Satyr, Feint optional): Fire is the second highest damage, and second lowest health. Feint would sound like a good choice, however, many of their spells depend on damage over time, which can ruin the point of traps. Unless you plan on using single attacks like efreet.

Storm: Train up to feint, satyr (or tower shield): As a storm, your goal is to kill as fast as possible. You do not want to stick around with your low health. Feint is a great way to boost your damage. Train satyr if you have life mastery, or just get tower shield.

Balance: Train up to feint, tower shield: You already learn healing spells, so there is no point to train satyr unless you have your own plan. Balances should keep their teammates alive and well (unless they are solo).

Life: Train up to feint: You already have massive health and can heal back the mightiest of strikes. You just need a damage boost.

Myth: Train up to tower shield (satyr or feint): At lower levels, Myth has to rely on a lot of double strikes, so feint can feel pointless since it only empowers the first (weaker attack). Feint can be very useful during higher levels though.

Death: Train up to tower shield: You can heal yourself back by using swap attacks. Tower shield is a great way to use sacrificial spells and making sure your feints don't end up hurting you too badly.

Hope this helps!
Alex Firepyre
Zachary Mythbane
Alexandra Earthpyre
Hunter Hunter
Alex Icepyre
Alex Lifepyre
(deleted) Alex Stormpyre

Jan 03, 2018
Mostly agree, I would say training Satyr without a Life Mastery is not a good idea for any school (except Life of course :p ) It never really makes sense to spend 4 power pips to cast a heal, which is what you would end up doing. You are better off just trying to get a pet with may cast healing.

I think Tower Shield is a given for all schools, even Life. Tower Shield is easily the most universally useful spell in the game. Feint is questionable for many builds. It's a lot of points and there are many other ways to get Feint. But it's not bad to train it either.

IMO the general rule for all schools is:
First get Tower Shield
Second maybe go for Feint
Save up for Sun and Star