You can have a maximum of six different wizards, to create a new wizard, push ‘New’ on the waiting room screen.
To select which Wizard you would like to play, click on them as they are seated at their desks in the class room and they will stand up at the front of the class. Once the Wizard you want to play is standing up, simply press the Play button.
The account login and password is the account - you purchased a subscription for that account.
You can have up to 6 Wizards on one account, and no you've already paid for that account login to be subscribed, so you do no pay for extra Wizards on that account login.
I am still thinking of making a second account so i can have 12 wizards instead of 6, but it says on central that the friendly dragon is KI's referral gift for signing up a new W101 account. so does that mean you have to make a second account to get that pet?
The account login and password is the account - you purchased a subscription for that account.
You can have up to 6 Wizards on one account, and no you've already paid for that account login to be subscribed, so you do no pay for extra Wizards on that account login.
gamma i think that KI should add a seventh character spot so thta you can a toon for ever school