I haven't played W101 recently, and I've seen that many new worlds have come out following the story line of Morganthe, her prophecy, and ........ SPOILER ALERT ............ something about Malistaire being related to her in some way?
I was just hoping that someone would be able to explain the whole story line of Morganthe, starting from Celestia, as I am very eager to find out, with the new world releasing and all. If anyone would be willing to explain all this to me, that would be wonderful! Spoiler alerts to anyone who has not gone through this part of the game yet!
Benjamin Frostblood Level 56 Diviner "You try, you fail. You try, you fail. You try, you fail. When you stop trying is when you truly fail."
The only thing is that I barely have any time to play nowadays, and if I do, I'm usually procrastinating my storyline quests, as I find Wintertusk much more interesting and rewarding. My reason as to why I wanted to find out the story was because I feel that when I know what to expect, I feel more interested to actually experience it. I know, my thoughts are a little twisted . Without knowing what's coming up, and who I am going to battle, I feel lazy to figure out...
If you don't want to spoil it, it is fine. I am just hoping someone is willing to explain this story for me so I feel the same passion to play as I did a few years back
Benjamin Frostblood Level 56 Diviner "You try, you fail. You try, you fail. You try, you fail. When you stop trying is when you truly fail."