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Member Benefits

Jun 16, 2010
Hi Everyone,

I don't know if we wanna address this, but I would kinda like to know if there is some sort of cadence or schedule to the member benefits?

We generally see 2 member benefits per week, unless it may be an extended event.

So if these events are only lasting 3-4 days at a time on average, why are we consistently having the same benefits?

For example, More often than not, we are seeing Double pet xp and rewards. Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful event and I have benefited from it a lot, but when this event is showing up 2-3 times per month, no one is needing to make pets anymore because nothing has changed with pets in so long, were pretty much just making more of the same pets.

Why are we not seeing more of the benefits that people actually log in for?
Such as
-Double Reagents
-Double Gardening xp and Rewards
-Free 2nd Chance Boss Chest
-No Energy Fishing
-Double scroll of fortune points
-Double monstrology
*I hate monstrology, what a waste*

Not to mention there could possibly be new events/benefits that you can make.

But overall, why are they not represented more evenly.
When can we just spin a wheel and get whichever benefit, as like an elixir, and then just use it as we individually please? These could still last 3-4 days, and have a timer cool down similar to the redeemable pack opening for subscribed members?

Lots of things to think about, considering a member benefit is a direct incentive to keep us subscribed, lets ensure they're worth it please and thank you!