i only became a member because i thought i could keep the maps i unlocked during quests, how can i make this happen
In order to permanently keep areas of the game you must purchase them with crowns, if you go the subscribe way, you are only renting areas of the game, even though you may in the end up paying more this way depending on how long you play you still are not entitled to any of the areas you quested in if you cancel.
It may come down to figuring out if you intend on being in this for the long haul or just passing by. Consider also that even if you buy an area with crowns for permanent use will it really be used once you are done playing this game?
If you revert at any time back to free play you will get to wander around in the free area of Wizard City, you will keep all the things your wizard had, including housing, gear, pets and so on.