now, i just don't understand the value of using these items, except for the Health bonus. And I don't understand why there would be a large difference in sell values comparing a +33 health to only +2 attack. Having 3 items that are giving me +100-150 health seems like that gives me an extra round to possible live, instead of doing only 3-6 more damage on a specific type of attack.
At my level, me and my kids are still using the starter wand with the 6 spells, plus a few more spells from our school. I don't think we've used any Training Points to learn stuff outside my school - seems like I'd have to waste a point to learn Imp or Scarab from a school anyway, and since I already have those in the starter wand we just haven't seen the point.
In one case for a specific battle in a castle, I wore three items that gave me death protection or attack bonus - and it really didn't do any good. Big deal, a Ghoul attacked me for 157 instead of 160! wow!
Of course Robes is just one example - my backpack is loaded with all sorts of junk that we just don't know if we'll need or if its just to sell to raise gold.
Re: Lvl 14 - need info about equipment and bonuses
I'll answer the best I can. At low levels the life is much more important. When you reach mid to upper levels, you will just have to choose what works best for you. But it's pretty easy to find, buy, craft equipment that offers a decent combination. When you are dealing with the high level spells, +damage from equipment and damage boosting spells/wards can change your damage output by several hundred points. During a long drawn out battle 15-20% defense can save you several hundred life. Power pip% can also make the battles shorter by being able to cast tougher spells faster and more often also saving you life.
I solo play most of the time, so I play more balanced, but also keep extra equipment just incase I might need extra defense, attack, or more power pips for a certain tough fight . Mainly it just depends on your own play style and what works best for you between attacking, defending or a more balanced approach.