i just left the grotto where i was fighting wavebringers with my ice and storm, poor storm had to come back 3 times this duel, anyway i was ALMOST done when 2 NO CHAT LOW levels came in - one had health of 900+ and one was 1300+ no way that they belonged in cl !! Now they had to have ported on someone!! and was NOT ME !
I took the extra hits, NOT THEM, so storm died yet again and i decided i would NOT lend them credit by staying, so i LOST my ice's credit (storm lost hers by dieing anyway), BUT NO WAY i help people who belong in wc, krok, or mb, ms NO WAY
I dont think KI can stop this or they would have since this has been a BIG complaint in DS and in test realm for CL
OK people, it is up to US to port the NO PORT lock on, I have NO low level friends , all mine are grand masters as are my 12 IF you have low level friends it is up to YOU to stop them from entering a part of the world they have NOT EARNED the right to enter! impress on them that quest points are what level you fast, NOT fighting in areas you do NOT belong
I am so tired of NO chats entering places or duels they shouldnt' KI- can you add a prepared phrases like- please DO NOT JOIN- we cannot communicated effectively (better yet- have NO CHATS in their own realms?)
at least when a chat person jumps you at what you though was the end of the duel, you can vent! with No CHAT we are helpless to stop them or let them know how rude they were
SO put the lock on the ports those who have firends who like to port to worlds they DONT BELONG
I can only hope some of the no chat people read this too
sorry but i know I am tired of this and so are many, but KI gave us the ability to block ports, USE it , I know i am NOT responsible for any low levels in cl or anywhere, can you say the same?
OK people, it is up to US to put the NO PORT lock on, I have NO low level friends , all mine are grand masters as are my 12 IF you have low level friends it is up to YOU to stop them from entering a part of the world they have NOT EARNED the right to enter! impress on them that quest points are what level you fast, NOT fighting in areas you do NOT belong.
And also, there was another post in a different thread that suggested this...
if lower levels teleport to someone in Celestia, they let them fight battles with ONLY the person who let them teleport. In other words, they are stuck to you like glue! I'll bet we would figure out how to make the previous suggestion work pretty fast. LOL.
And I still like this previous suggestion from another post the best...
If someone wants to teleport to me, I should get a request (similar to a "friends request") that says " (this person, level xxx) wants to teleport to you now. Accept or decline?"
My own solution for now is that I do not accept new friends who are not at least my own level, or close to it, or higher than my level. I don't like this solution as the best, because I would like to be available to help newer wizards, but it's not really an option at this time. :(
I hate when that happens too. But for some of us paying people it would be unfair for KI to make it so lower levels can't go up there. I alot of times have my kids helping me or I am playing two accounts because the new world is not soloable.
Everytime i see somebody in a place there not suppose to be (18 in dragonspyre, ect.) IT DRIVES ME INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I came up with a list of ways to stop this.
1. Ban all access to worlds unless you got through the storyline.
2. Give NO CHATS there own realm (Just like you want)
Many lower levels say i'm being an ........... but they think theyre so cool just becuase there in a high level world. NO MORE LOW LEVELS WERE THEY SHOULDNT BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
To me , its not the low levels group that bothers me , it is the jumping into battle uninvited that does. My daughter who has a level 39 life wizard has been helping my level 54 death in Celestia. She also stays with me , and doesn't jump into anyone else's battles. If parents or friends wish to let port in people with lower levels , to me that is fine . Just don't let them jump in on other's battles. It also not always about the person level , but about how they use their deck in fights. A low level balance or life can be a huge help in Celestia , if they play their cards right. Last night in Celestia , I got into a disagreement , that made me fume on this end of the keyboard. I was in the district of stars , killing some sharks to finish off a quest I had overlooked. I only needed 2 of them. I chose a perfect realm , in fact when I arrived , I was the only one in the area , and decided to solo it. When a grand storm wizard jumped in on a battle I started , he only had 500 health at the time , and started screaming for me to heal him. When I wouldnt, he started yelling to everyone about how my death wiz wont heal him , how such a terrible nasty person I was , and I shouldnt play social games if I wont help people. I asked him why didnt you just grab a wisp or drink a bottle before you jump into fight , claims that he doesnt have the time to waste on healing or looking for wisp. So if I understand correctly , on battles I start, I should not only take the brunt of the beating , kill the monsters and heal people that jump in on me too? Not to mention this is my death wizard , and I don't usually keep the sacrifice card in my deck. I have had several people jump in on me in Celestia , without saying a word , some jump in and even go afk. I am tired of it , I am tired of playing the game and questing for these leaches. I would take a low level that knows how to use a deck , and ask before jumping into a battle , than any level 50 grand who jumps in and doesn't do anything to help. What I still want , is a way to keep people from jumping in uninvited. That is the main problem , not lower level in areas that they havent gained access to yet.
i honestly have no problem with low levels exploring as long as they can defend themself like even on my theurgist which is level 22 my friends dont mind my help because even at low levels ,life wizards are tough! they can hold their own very well
i just left the grotto where i was fighting wavebringers with my ice and storm, poor storm had to come back 3 times this duel, anyway i was ALMOST done when 2 NO CHAT LOW levels came in - one had health of 900+ and one was 1300+ no way that they belonged in cl !! Now they had to have ported on someone!! and was NOT ME !
I took the extra hits, NOT THEM, so storm died yet again and i decided i would NOT lend them credit by staying, so i LOST my ice's credit (storm lost hers by dieing anyway), BUT NO WAY i help people who belong in wc, krok, or mb, ms NO WAY
I dont think KI can stop this or they would have since this has been a BIG complaint in DS and in test realm for CL
OK people, it is up to US to port the NO PORT lock on, I have NO low level friends , all mine are grand masters as are my 12 IF you have low level friends it is up to YOU to stop them from entering a part of the world they have NOT EARNED the right to enter! impress on them that quest points are what level you fast, NOT fighting in areas you do NOT belong
I am so tired of NO chats entering places or duels they shouldnt' KI- can you add a prepared phrases like- please DO NOT JOIN- we cannot communicated effectively (better yet- have NO CHATS in their own realms?)
at least when a chat person jumps you at what you though was the end of the duel, you can vent! with No CHAT we are helpless to stop them or let them know how rude they were
SO put the lock on the ports those who have firends who like to port to worlds they DONT BELONG
I can only hope some of the no chat people read this too
sorry but i know I am tired of this and so are many, but KI gave us the ability to block ports, USE it , I know i am NOT responsible for any low levels in cl or anywhere, can you say the same?
you know you can turn off ports to you... there problem solved happy???
I was in the Stellarium with two other people and when we went into battle one of them went AFK to take a shower than came back at the last moment on both bosses and got the killing blow on both the bosses in there and me and the other person did all of the work. I wish there was a way for KI to kick someoen out of battle if they dont make a choice after so many rounds. Even if they click pass than it doesnt waste time for the timer to go all the way down.
funny, higher level players that actually belong in Celestia seem to have little difficulty with it... perhaps you should level up or get decent equipment or learn to play better
Stars gut?? read what was written before quoting- I HAVE NO LOW LEVEL FRIENDS PORTING ON ME, I DON'T NEED to do it
This is also eganham here , your sarcastic remark is just that sacrasm
Seasnake? I play just fine in response to your sarcasm, and so is my equipment
the complaint i was making initially was that lower levels , come on, i said these guys had 900+ health and 1300+ health, they dont belong in the area , we work hard to have the right to be there and , it hard enough when a grand jumps in at end but at least they belong!
for those who bring a low level in on their second account- you are NOT running all over the world with them, they are with your grand fighting you are taking responsibilty
I am saying that KI came up with the block on ports probably because the programming to stop people cannot be done in any other way (or not worth the rewritting of the game program)
I am just stating that people who allow the low level to port in and run free are responsible since they allow it
There was a feedback friday a while back on low levels in areas where they "shouldn't" be. This matter might be being looked into as of this post. They were just busy with other things, like Celestia? They can only do so much at a time. Give KI a break! Coding this stuff into a game isn't easy and takes time, You can't expect a change within the same time it takes to post a thread on a message board.
I am so glad I found this. I was just about to post something. It isn't just menu chats that are doing this. Those with text chat as well.
I too have been having problems with low levels teleporting to me without permission.
I have lost so many battles because of this and please don't reply saying turn of your port. With Celestia being so challenging, this is no longer and option. I am constantly calling friends for help when I need them. So, I find trying to turn the port on during a battle can be a death sentence.
I have seen KI reduce the challenges in DS because of all the complaining. They recently changed Wild Bolt because of the complaining, but yet they still do nothing about the unwanted porting. At this point I am ready for anything.
This is crazy. I truly don't understand. I know programming isn't easy, but there should be away to allow wizards to accept or decline a port. I have removed so many people off my friends list because of this problem. It has become so much worse since CL has come out and that is saying a lot.
I am so tired of these lower levels popping in without asking and I am tired of dying unneccessarily.
funny, higher level players that actually belong in Celestia seem to have little difficulty with it... perhaps you should level up or get decent equipment or learn to play better
Actually, this statement isn't true. I am a high level wizard and I need help with this world. I have friends that are higher than me and they ask for help. I have met high level wizards, including storm wizards who find this world challenging.
Please don't speak of things you know nothing about.
1. Ban all access to worlds unless you got through the storyline.
I don't think this is a solution. I have called friends that are lower levels them me to help. Once they have, they port back to their own quests.
I don't know of a solution for people entering a battle without asking. I do agree that this is a big problem as well. It would be nice if there was a way to prevent unwanted people from entering.
I think I read some place on here that once so many turns went buy the ring would be closed to any one jumping in, but they would prevent someone from porting to you or coming in if you need help.
i agree with most peeps on this topic. i HATE it too when low lvls ask you constantly for help when the KNOW that the higher lvl bosses can CREAM THEN IN NO TIME FLAT! i am tired of it too. today i just heard an ADEPT IN CELELSTIA asking for help as soon as he got into the fight! as soon as i saw what lvl he was i told him i wasnt going to waste my time on a low lvl who doesnt belong there. so i fled. idk what happened to him after that. i hope he got creamed. . and i agree with another persons post, id mind (somewhat I:) if a low lvl comes in and they know not to mess with traps and things like that. but i also think that they join because they want to lvl up fast with out really earning it. thats what gets me. they cheat there way around the game so they can get the good stuff while being lazy.
Don't know about you guys, but I friended a few noobs during the Halloween quests.
And yes, I have had to resort to chucking anybody out I don't remember out of the friends list. Its sad, some of these people are nice people that would not do it, but I CAN'T REMEMBER! People that would ask for help BEFORE they start a fight, or AFTER they got whooped, and want to try it again.
And then I have noticed that if you friend a person on one computer, then try to check them out on another, you can't see their stats; its like its broken, or maybe its stored locally.
Last night, while farming for reagents for the Grizzleheim house, someone ported to me, and then took the reagent right out from under me! I don't think I ever deleted some one as fast as that.