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Level 56 Death Wizard Help

Mar 04, 2009
Level 56 death wizard returning to the game and need some assistance. The idea of critical rating and defense has just been introduced basically, and I'm considering whether or not to rush into it with gear, or wait until its more widely offered later on. Suggestions?

Current loadout is:
Hat: Chaos Helm
Robes: Chaos Armor
Footwear: Forbidden Footgear
Wand: Sky Iron Hasta
Athame: Dirk of Disorder
Amulet: Nellek's Regenerating Jewel
Ring: Gurtok Mortis Seal
Pet: Baby Prime Piggle (Balance Blade)
Deck: Deck of Last Departure

Jan 18, 2010
At level 56, I highly suggest you visit Wintertusk, buy and craft your level 56 crafted gear.

Carax Strongthread in Sudrilund is actually the one that sells the gear.

It features a trap, your school global as long as your school blade.

The gear is very good and can take you to level 60 where you have the option of farming for your Waterworks gear (in Crab Alley) or your Zigzag Gear (Krok).

For your pet, I also suggest you begin investing in an efficient pet with good talents (particularly one giving a school blade). Visit the Hatchmaking kiosk to look at the plethora of options there.

Ring and Athame recipes are sold in Vestrilund; again, another area in Wintertusk by Ingulf the Grower.

So be sure to check him out and good level 56+ rings and athames.

Those are my suggestions. The gear I provided earlier provides both critical and block as well as other vital stats in solid amounts.

Also, just to note; remember your critical rating may show a numerical value but scrolling over the stat will reveal a percentage value. This is how likely you are to critical using an attacking spell (or healing) of that school.

Block works within a similar fashion, but because raising this stat usually results in you sacrificing other vital ones; don't be too concerned with that one.

Good Luck and welcome back!

Mar 12, 2018
TheGamerDragon50 on May 3, 2019 wrote:
Level 56 death wizard returning to the game and need some assistance. The idea of critical rating and defense has just been introduced basically, and I'm considering whether or not to rush into it with gear, or wait until its more widely offered later on. Suggestions?

Current loadout is:
Hat: Chaos Helm
Robes: Chaos Armor
Footwear: Forbidden Footgear
Wand: Sky Iron Hasta
Athame: Dirk of Disorder
Amulet: Nellek's Regenerating Jewel
Ring: Gurtok Mortis Seal
Pet: Baby Prime Piggle (Balance Blade)
Deck: Deck of Last Departure
Hi, at level 56 you are very close to Waterworks gear. This is the gear you will use for many levels, often until level 100. If you are a Wizard who likes crafting you can go ahead and craft your Bitter Chieftains Helm and the other Death gear that is offered by Carax Strongthread in Sudrilund. This gear is a valid stand in for Waterworks giving you an advantage in stats over something such as the Chaos set. I

If you aren't a crafter, I would continue using what you have until you get to level 60 and can farm for your Waterworks set. I hope this helps.

if you don't know how to get started with crafting you can check out the guides here:


Here's also a Waterworks walk-through guide for you once you are there:


Aug 23, 2016
My advice.

Forget anything Critical. Within a few worlds with critical decay, your critical rating won't amount to much. Also by the end of arc three, most bosses have a high critical resist and quite a few of the mobs do as well.

You are far better off increasing accuracy and damage.

Steven 130 & Christopher 60
The Ghoststalker Brothers