okay, as annoying as Fizzle is, I can see how in game it's useful for imitating the difficulty a spell might be for a new wizard.
Or how hard it is to master a new spell even for an advanced wizard
but when a legend fizzles low level spells that they should have mastered well enough to cast with 100% accuracy in their sleep, all valid reason for fizzle is lost.
I'm betting the game designers have all sorts of excuses for why a legendary life mage should fizzle a sprite or why a legendary storm mage should fizzle thunder snake, and I'm equally sure that if such a thing were written into any novel, the editor in question would send it back to revise because it doesn't reality check.
And it doesn't. it's ludicrous for a mage that is supposed to be as powerful as a legend to still be unable to cast without failing the basic spells he or she learned when they were first starting out, and have most likely cast so many times that they don't have to think any longer. Just flick a finger and cast the spell.
I would really like to see KI address this - put in some sort of counter for how many times a spell is cast by someone, and at some point - when they reach a high enough level and have cast the spell enough times, disallow that spell from every fizzling for that caster.
I can see that but it just sounds like another way for the game to disguise something that looks like it could be used for everyone but only storm would benefit from it. So i would probably disagree, i mean think about everyone has an off day.
Reality...Sometimes we mess up things we do every day. Sometimes, just as we are about to sign our name or grab an item we sneeze or cough, messing up even the simplest of actions. Sometimes even our minds go blank when trying to think of how to perform a task we have done hundreds of times. Maybe this is what the developers wanted to add that little touch of reality to the game.
The sun spell 'unstoppable' is available for training, and it can be used on any of your trained spells. if you don't want your lightning bats to fizzle at legendary, use it. -eli and crew
Your idea/suggestion should be in The Dorms forum.
If we want to do a reality check, then people can't cast storms and summon creatures in real life, either.
reality checking in wriiting a story is different than looking around your house and saying this is reality.
When you reality check a story (and face it, and online game like wizard IS telling a story) what you are doing is allowing people to successfully suspend disbelief. When your reader starts going 'no, that doesn't work, that makes no sense' they've lost their ability to suspend disbelief. And that's death to any author of fiction. Books get closed at that point, go in the do not finish stack, and readers find different authors to spend time with.
Fiction tends to need strong reality checks just because everyone already knows certain things can't happen in their daily life. it's the "but what if..." factor, and science fiction or Fantasy require even stronger reality checks that other sorts of fiction.
your avatar doesn't really master spells that they wont fizz it is just the type of spells you are using ex. storm 75% life90%
I believe jed568 has the right idea. In Wizard101 I don't think we attend school to "master" spells. I believe we attend school to learn the spells, knowing that each spell has an inherit risk in casting it (percentage of fizzle). Maybe if Ravenwood opens a postgraduate school?
Legendary may be fizzling low level spells, but those low level spells they are casting are being cast for way more damage than what low level wizards are casting them at. Increased damage = increased failure, so fizzling such spells makes perfect sense no matter what level you may be at.
Reality...Sometimes we mess up things we do every day. Sometimes, just as we are about to sign our name or grab an item we sneeze or cough, messing up even the simplest of actions. Sometimes even our minds go blank when trying to think of how to perform a task we have done hundreds of times. Maybe this is what the developers wanted to add that little touch of reality to the game.
Hannah Lifebringer Level 60 Life
I agree, think about whenever you forget the word your thinking for a draw a blank. That would be about the same as fizzling, yes? Sometimes people mess up the simplest of tasks.