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Kroger Cards - Pet Jewels

Feb 19, 2010
I just saw a U-Tube Blaze Lifehammer put out. It was about the $20.00 gift cards that is offered at Krogers in Texas.
NOW this is another unfair item. This is another item that we have no access to, Like the Accursed Gauntlet.
By the time the Accursed Gauntlet comes online, I will have already found one in castle tours and will not have any interest in purchasing one.
Unlike these Jewels if you don't live in Texas or have someone buy one for you, you wont get one. It would be nice if all items in game where available to everyone. How many others items are out, that we are not aware of. It is not fair in PVP, when they can put this Jewel on a pet, that gives
defy and a may cast.
These pets them would have 7 talents.
Are these Jewels going to be offered in Jewel packs for the rest of us

Mar 18, 2009
Yes, this new trend of jewels on store cards is becoming a problem. Previously, with the "exclusive" pets offered on the cards, you could simply hatch to eventually get the pet. This is not an option for the jewels. You have to physically travel to another state or country to obtain them. Or, you are forced to engage in Real Money Transfer outside of the game (which most other game companies frown upon....especially this one given the age range).

Getting Kroger's, Safeway, Albertson's or Vons to sell these cards online is next to impossible (they are not like Walmart).

I highly encourage KI to offer these new jewels as drops within the game or offer these cards online within 6-12 months (like the bundles) as an alternative to kids getting scammed online trying to purchase one of these cards from unverifiable and unofficial sources.

Aug 23, 2016
Can't help with the Texas Kroger packs, but the Accursed Gauntlet is at my local Wal-Mart.

Not sure how to get one to you without violating the sharing of personal info policy.

Steven Ghoststalker

Nov 17, 2013
I echo your frustration.
I wish they would add all their bundles and other purchasable content (such as these jewels) online. I don't understand why they don't do this. It seems like more money.

Would be great if an official from KI came here and explained.

Jan 28, 2011
I am going to go ahead and say that what you may see as unfair is quite honestly the opposite! Kingsisle is based out of AUSTIN, TEXAS! So naturally if they want to test something that they will implement in either putting content on a card or putting content on a new farmable boss is completely their choice. I understand your frustrations and I would say to be patient. The cards sell very well so eventually they will repeat the event months and you can get your jewel. Kingsisle said they will mass release the cards if they are successful. Patience is a virtue and good things will come from this test.

Mar 18, 2009
gopher77 on Oct 8, 2018 wrote:
I am going to go ahead and say that what you may see as unfair is quite honestly the opposite! Kingsisle is based out of AUSTIN, TEXAS! So naturally if they want to test something that they will implement in either putting content on a card or putting content on a new farmable boss is completely their choice. I understand your frustrations and I would say to be patient. The cards sell very well so eventually they will repeat the event months and you can get your jewel. Kingsisle said they will mass release the cards if they are successful. Patience is a virtue and good things will come from this test.
I think your misinformed (or maybe I am).

Kroger's (in the Austin area) was the "test" area when these cards first came out. Since then, they have mass released to Von's, Safeway and Albertons which opened up the retail area to a slightly larger area of the US.

However, there have been no updated announced plans to release to retailers outside of the Midwest region and our international friends will probably never see retailers offering these cards at all.

Meanwhile, while those players who cannot obtain these jewel cards simply "wait" for the cards to be available in some other manner, they are facing PvP opponents who do have these jewels at a disadvantage. This is the first game I have ever played where your advantage over opponents is directly tied to where you live in the United States (or like mentioned above...engage in Real Money Transfer with unauthorized retailers).

Jul 03, 2011
to be honest, if this game was not the most addictive and best game in the history, i wouldnt have played it for one more second.
putting all bundles online will benefit the players and the company too, so why not??
i think its time for this game to recognize that there is millions of players around the world and the US not only in texas, do they know??
and not only kroger, also all the bundles, why should i always go gamestop or other shops to buy them??