First off, I still disagree about only letting crowns players buy the clothes zeke sells. What about those people that don't want to spend money on top of the $60 or more they already spent getting the full version? Crowns players are also the only ones who can sell back their training points too. So I think you could do 2 things about this whole crown items deal. 1. Make crowns items available for everyone in the world shops. 2. Allow ALL crowns items to be auctioned off, not just the ones from Wizard City.
My second opinion is on arena gear. Yes it gives you a lot of attack/defense, but it doesn't give you any health. I am not saying that you should get too much health but maybe just a little bit? (25 or 50 for boots 60 or 100 for hats and 110 or 150 for robes.) Can I get some feedback from anyone (but a KI administrator's opinion would be great for this) thanks.
first of all anyone can buy crowns even subscribers, i am a subscriber myself but i still buy crown every once in awhile. and if someone spent $60 for the "full version" then its obvious that they are a crown buyer.
with the arena commander gear there is no need for any extra health bc it gives you so much attack and defence