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Is there or is there not a level 64 pet quest?

May 27, 2016
When my myth wizard hit level 64 Mr. Lincoln popped up and told me there was a problem with my paperwork and I would be hearing from my instructor soon about a new pet quest. I am now at level 70 but have still not gotten any kind of pet quest from Professor Drake. If there is supposed to be such a quest, why have I not gotten it? If that quest no longer exists, then why did I get Mr. Lincoln telling me it did? Does anyone know?

Aug 16, 2014
I believe this means the Wintertusk pet. You should get it from your teacher or Baldur in Olde Town. You do have to have most of wintertusk completed. You can check the tooltips and see exactly what he says.

-Zachary SpiritLeaf

May 27, 2016
I have completely finished all of Wintertusk, including Nastrond. In fact there is nothing at all left for me to do on Grizzleheim. Plus I have finished Celestia and just started Elephant Graveyard on Zafaria. Currently at level 74. But still no follow-up on that pet quest I was supposed to get. So what gives? Does the quest still even exist?