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Is KI moving towards future success?

Jul 05, 2010
Are there many older players? No clue ;) But I can say that as far as MMO's go, age seeks mind occupation primarily (quests), while youth tends to seek competition (PvP). Wizard101 certainly offers both of those, while be it the integrity of the PvP system has yet to be firmly established. I don't think I'm allowed to say why, because this and all companies would prefer you aren’t aware of and/or focused on the negative aspects of their products. In any case...

Wizard 101 is GREAT! In concept. The problem I have with any game since Ultima or Everquest is that they don't give credit to the clear advancements those (and other) pioneers have made in this industry. Especially in the RP CCG MMO branch of gaming where Wizard101 resides. Despite it's wonderful GUI and amazing 3D aspects, it is still based in premise as a CCG MMO. (You acquire and customize playing cards to advance your position in the game weather you are questing or enjoying PvP.)

They offer plenty of content that is clearly geared towards players on the upper end of the age scale, while avoiding features and tools those same players have come to expect in this field and would implement on a regular basis in daily play.

It is also obvious that KI has designed this business model around parents cultivating offspring. There are aspects of the game that even my youngest (under age 5) can understand and succeed in. The ability to become a true power player in the game requires having a developed psyche at the helm.

The problem that I now see in Wizard101's future is that they are staying behind a visual image of an awesome family environment, while not providing the elders of families a wider range of tools that have existed in the past, do exist in the present and should exist in some fashion in Wizard 101.

To try and stay on topic, and not tangent (too much) a few obvious examples being:

Deck naming and customization. Players should not be forced to purchase multiple decks and literally keep a physical list outside the game to remember what deck builds are for what situations.

Find a word other than "Friend" for your contact list. Just because an adult or a child has a good experience with someone on a particular night doesn't mean they want to become continuously detectable and attainable in game. People want acquaintances as well as friends. A hollow or solid gold star? That's great for your memory recall, but it doesn't offer you any options what-so-ever. If you are on, they can see you. Sure you can turn ports and tells off, however the obvious perception for doing so by the person trying to reach you is rudeness on your part. Not to be painfully obvious, but with the clear amount of children that play Wizard 101, can't you see that the word "Friend" suggests there is a relationship of trust? An absurd notion to say the least, and it's very misleading!

This game has an awesome future, and you clearly have the resources to implement any design model you desire. (On a side note, the new SANS you just rolled out should be reversed. I have yet to converse with a player that has enjoyed an improved gaming environment as a result of your recent hardware "upgrades". In fact, all players that I have encountered "in game" who are aware of the differences find them to be less desirable in their opinions.)

This type of action must cease if you wish this game to be carried on by its laurels instead of player imposed voting and hype from the patcher. These choices are not guiding your model towards a future of success. Over ten million players, whether or not you want to be on the competitive level with games such as the famed WoW... ..you are. And you can either sink or swim. You'd better believe that your success will be combated by your competition, and unless you are willing to take your game to bat you simply will not survive.

Everything evolves, either to a heightened state or a state of extinction. You have the power to make both happen. Where do you want to go with Wizard? Evolve this towards a state of total harmony, or split your customer base and design model going with a 201 version for advanced players?

Get Wizard conventions under way! Support greatly increases your odds in any direction you choose, and nothing attracts support like tangibility!

Do something other than listen to whomever you have been listening to.

F.Y.I. A copy of this post will be read by most of the Wizarding community. Wheather or not you stand behind the freedom of speach is the only factor you can control here.

Truly and sincerely,
a concerned wizard

May 20, 2010
Thanks for the sermon.

I disagree with most of what you said. Much of what you represent as "the way it is" is simply your opinion of how things should be.

While I don't see eye-to-eye with KingsIsle on several things, they didn't get 10 million players by producing an inferior game.